Chapter 76 ♥

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Chapter 76


Almost six months have passed and Niall and I are still going strong.

We have not told One Direction’s fans or management that we are married but we are hoping to tell them soon.

In the meantime, I have some wonderful news to tell my husband but I think that I will tell him the news after we talk with management.

As of right now, One Direction and I are sitting in the office of management. Apparently, they have something to tell the boys and Niall and I are planning to tell them about our Marriage.

An old-ish looking man who appeared to be in his late forties with slight grey hair in his head, named Gregg spoke:

They talked about regular business and music stuff while I just looked on.

“Okay, lastly I would like to tell you that any news about a new couple in the band should not be published due to the fact that the new album is to be released plus you have a tour coming up. They fans already know about Liam’s, Louis’ and Zayn’s respective so I do not want to hear that you two” he said pointing towards Niall and Harry “are in a relationship. If you happen to be in one we need to keep it on the down low because the fans would not like it that the 5 British/Irish heartthrobs are all taken. Got it?”

The boys were all quiet and they turned to face Niall and me.

“I’m sorry but who are you?” Gregg asked referring to me.

“Well you see… She and I are here to tell you all that…well we’re married!” Niall said blurting out the last part while I just did an awkward smile.

“You’re what! You’re married?” Gregg shouted

“How long have you too been married?” he said as he calmed down a little.

“Almost seven months” Niall said in a low voice.

“Seven months? And why haven’t I heard about this earlier?”

“We didn’t want to tell anyone”

“Okay, well what’s done is done. You have to make a choice; either you tell every-one of this secret and put your band sales on the line or you keep your secret, a secret for a little long”

“Can Mary and I talk in private for while?” Niall asked and Gregg nodded before leaving the room with the rest of the gang.



“Do what you think is right. I will stand by your decision”

“Are you sure? You are not going to be mad?”

“I won’t, I promise”

“You don’t mind being in the dark? Because if you do you don’t have to be”

“Niall we have hid it for so many months what is a few more going to do?”

“Oaky but are you sure you are fine?”

“Positive” I said smiling and Niall lent forward kissing me.

I just want Niall to be happy and I do not need him going and announcing to the world that he was married to me to make me happy. All I needed was he and I had him.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Niall told then to come in and he told them that we would keep us a secret for now.

“Oh by the way I just wanted to say Congratulations on your wedding,” Gregg said

“Thank you”

“Now boys you have a meeting tomorrow to announce your tour dates and stuff so be ready promptly at 8:30 am. The limo will be picking you all up”

“Yes sir” the boys responded as though they practice it and I am sure that they did.



Today is the day of the interview and I still have not told Niall the incredible news.

Due to his decision that he made, I now have to take one of my own.

To be continued…………………


What decision did Mary make?

What is Mary’s big news that she has to tell Niall?


A/n: This story will be ending soon. There are only four more chapters remaining.


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