Chapter 18 ♥

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Mother’s Day,

May 13th 2012.


I woke up extra early this morning because Kerry and I had planned to make our mom breakfast. We decided that she needed a break since she does it every morning for us. It wasn’t anything to fancy. We just made some scrambled eggs, toast and some bacon for her.

I got her a gold locket chain while my sister gave her a silver bracelet.

After breakfast I cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes before I went to my room. I called all my aunts, grandmothers and cousins who were like a parent to me or who were already mothers.

I had to call a very long list until I had just one more person to call. It was Maura, Niall’s mom. I dialled the number and after 3 rings someone picked up.

“Hello” someone said. It was a guy with a very thick accent. I knew exactly who I was. It was no other that Niall himself.

“Niall is your mom there?”

“Yes, and may I ask who is speaking?”

“Oh sorry, it’s Mary”

“Oh you sound different. But hold on let me my mom the phone”

“Ok” I replied as I heard Niall shouting “Mom! Mom! Phone is for you”.


“Hi, Maura it’s me Mary.”

“Hey honey. What’s up? How are you?”

“Nothing much, I am fine. I’m just calling to wish you Happy Mother’s Day although Mother’s Day has passed in Ireland.”

“Thank you. And it’s ok. So where is your mom?”

“She’s in her room. Do you want to speak to her?”

“Yes, I would love to wish her Happy Mother’s Day”

“OK hold on” I walked to my mom room “Mom, Niall’s mom, Maura is on the phone and she wants to say hi.”

She nodded and took the phone. They spoke for a while until my mom had handed me the phone.


Mary had called to wish my mom Happy Mother’s Day. Her mom  and my mom spoke for a while until my mom called me.

“Niall, honey”

“Yes, mom”

“Come say hello to Sandra, Mary’s mom” ( Mary’s mom is named Sandra. I don’t think I have mentioned it before.)

I took a big gulp before I walked over to my mom. I knew Mary’s mom didn’t like me since she had found out. Last time I saw her she barely talked to me and I got Mary in trouble.

I took the phone and spoke “Hi, Mrs Sam, Happy Mother’s Day.”

“Thank you Niall. I’m sorry for that day when you were at my home.”

“It’s ok. I understand how you feel. And I’m sorry for what Mary and I had done.”

“It’s alright and don’t think I didn’t know she was hanging out with you every day after school.”

“She told you?”

“No but I know my daughter and you were her best friend. But don’t tell her I know. When she’s ready she will tell me. But I just wanted to let you know it’s okay with me.”

“Thanks Mrs Sam and I won’t say anything”

“Would you like to talk to her?”

“Yes if it’s okay with you?”

“Hold on, let me give her the phone”



“Yes, Mary”

“Yes Niall”

“Yes, I asked your mom if it was okay to talk to you and she said yes”

“Really, she said yes. I wonder what’s with her.”

“I don’t know. But at least everything’s getting better now”

“Yes so true.”

Mary and I talked for about an hour. We talked our random stuff. I have finally gotten back my best friend and we don’t even have to sneak around. Well i don't have too.

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora