Chapter 51 ♥

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Chapter 51 ♥


Well I guess my big secret is out. Now everyone knows how messed up life is. I have been married twice, divorced and now a widow.

After I made my little speech, I greeted and met some more family before I made my way up to Justin’s old room, our old room. I opened the door to high concentrated air filled with his cologne.

Everything looks just as it looked a few months ago. I have not been in this room since I got the news. Everything was too much I could not deal with what was going on so I got many nervous breakdowns.

I had many thought of committing suicide but I just could not do it. It was as if I still had something attached to me in this world to live for. No one but our family, Varuna and Dylan knows about my suicidal thoughts and nervous breakdowns.

I sit on our bed and just look at his stuff that he left on his desk and clothes in his closet.

We did not do anything with his stuff. We just left it as it was. No one comes to this room really. I was taking in every single detail remembering it to be exactly as it was just as he had left it but interrupted by my cell ringing. I glanced at the caller ID and saw that I was my sister. She had gotten married as well and had a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Amelia.


Me: Hey Keri

Keri: Hey baby sister, how are you today?

Me: Well I am keeping up just fine but it is very hard.

Keri: I know I wish I could be there to help you but we will not be back until next week.

Me: I know. It is all right. How is Amelia?

Keri: She is fine. She is growing up.

Me: I cannot wait to see her. Next week drop her off when you return and I will babysit.

Keri: Are you sure?

Me: Yes, I insist because if I do not get to play with mine I have my niece don’t I?

Keri: Of course, you can. I promise I would drop her off. I have to go. Time to feed her. Bye, take care and be strong.

Me: Bye.

As I hung up there was a knock on the door.

“Come in” I said and the door flung open to reveal Mason, Jess, Vee and Dylan.

“Hey guys, what is up?” I asked

They just shrugged and they came and sat down on the chairs and bed.

“So what are you doing all alone?” Mason asked

“Well I needed a breather and then my sister called.”

“So what did she need? Is everything alright?” Vee asked

“Yes everything is okay. She just called to see how I was doing and she said that she is back in town next week and I volunteered to babysit Amelia for her”

“Are you sure you are okay with babysitting Amelia with everything that has happened?” Mason asked

“Well I hope it is I need to learn to deal with it. I cannot abandon my niece and sister when it was not their fault. At least I have Amelia to remind me of what Justin and I would have had. It will be fine. I will treat her as my own,” I stated and they nodded.

So let me just fill you in. Before Justin left for the military we found out that, I was a month pregnant. We also found out that my sister was pregnant as well. We were both happy but sad at the same time because Justin had to leave us behind. He had to leave his kid. I could deal with him being gone but he would not be able to see his child grow.

However the day Justin passed, I had a doctor’s appointment. I was only 2 months pregnant. I had just reached home when the phone rang. Justin’s mom answered the phone and she had gotten the worst news a mother could her.

‘Her son was killed’

She told us and out of shock, I fainted. I fell very hard and I woke up in the hospital a few hours later. When I asked about the baby, I got the second worst news for that day.

I had a miscarriage.

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