Chapter 14 ♥

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Chapter 14 ♥

*Next Day*


So I got up and went to school today. It was really awkward. Everyone just stared and whispered. Names were called but I ignored it. I mean they didn’t know anything. They just saw and believed without a story. 

It’s about 11:30 and I am leaving school early since it has some sort of meeting for teachers. I was allowed to leave since I didn’t have classes and I had my car. I went home and changed 

I am wearing only half of the necklace since Niall has the other half.

As I sat in my car I texted Niall

Me - *Hey Niall, I am leaving school right now, so what’s the address I am supposed to me you at?”

Niall - *Hi, I am staying at the Hilton hotel in Port-of-Spain. The 3th floor in room 313*

Me - *Okay cool, I will be there in about 30 mins.*

Niall - *Okay, bye*

Me - *Bye*


30 minutes later

I pulled up at the Hotel. I saw that they were paparazzi outside of the hotel. I got out the car and walked over to the front door, praying no one would recognize me from the recent pictures leaked. But fate had otherwise. I heard someone shout

“Hey isn’t that Niall’s girl?”

“How long have you guys been dating?” and some other random crap but I ignored them and entered the hotel.

I walked straight to the elevator and press the button for the 3rd floor. As the elevator ding I got out and made it to room 313.

I knocked and I heard someone coming towards the door. As the door opened I saw Louis.

“Well is this a surprise Mrs Horan” he said as I looked at him confused at what he had said but I ignored it since it was true. I am Mrs Horan.

“Oh Hi Louis, is Niall here?”

“Yea he’s in his roo….” Louis started but soon heard footsteps and he turned around to see Niall “Here!” he said as he continued.

“Hi Mary” Niall said

“Hey. So is someone going to invite me in or am I supposed to stay here and talk to you from the hall?”

“Oh sorry Mary, come in” Louis said.

“Thanks” I replied

Niall and I went to his room so we could talk in private while Louis went to the living room and watch some television and ate some carrots.

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now