Chapter 58 ♥

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As I was driving to school, the radio kept on playing Demi Lavato’s songs. Normally I would sing along as her songs were good but this time it felt awkward especially after what happened earlier.

I parked my van in the students parking lot and looked around for Dylan’s van but it was no there.

I sighed, unbuckled myself while getting out of my van. I went around to the other side as I waited for the boys to come out. As soon as they stepped out a flock of girls came rushing towards them. I lock my van, stand there while they took some photos, and autograph a few pictures.

I got tired of standing there for 5 minutes so I decided to go in the school and I would meet them after they were finished with their fans.

I spotted Lulu, a good friend of mine. She was standing a few feet away from our class that we had next which was History with her head stuck in her phone.

“Hey Lu” I said startling her just a bit

“Oh hey Mary” she replied excitedly

“What are you up to?” I asked politely

“You won’t believe who is here, in our University” she smiled

“And who would that be?”

“The hottest boy band ever “ J

“Which is…?” I said completely forgetting that 1D came with me.

“Oh silly goose it is the One the Only ONE DIRECTION” she said in a creepy announcer guy tone

“Oh My God!” she continued and stood still as though she was shocked. Her eyes focused behind me and I felt a presence of someone walking up behind me.

I quickly turned around to see Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall standing behind me.

“Oh hey guys, you finished with your fans?” I asked

“Yes we are, but why did you leave we were looking for you. Lucky thing Dylan reached there in time to show us where you had your first class.” Harry said

“I just did not want to be there. I get to see your ugly face nearly every day,” I giggled

“Hurtful” Harry replied, “Oh please that’s why practically rape us in your mind” he smirked

“Nah it is more like I trying to cover up that ugly face you got there” I teased him

“You Know 1 Direction,” Lulu asked.

I turned my attention back to her as I now remember her there. I simply nod.

“Oh where are my manners. Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn this is one of my friend Lulu. She is a huge fan and Lulu this is Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn.”

Each of them kissed her hand hugged her. Lulu was so shocked that I swear she almost fainted but luckily, she did not.

With that, the bell ran signalling that History just began.

The entire day was okay. The lads signed many autographs. Everywhere they went the girls were chasing them. They tried to stay with me as much as possible. I think that after today they would never want to come back to school.

The last bell rang signalling that it was the end of the year and that Christmas break just began.

Now I have 25 days to go to find out what is happening with my future.

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