Chapter 74 ♥

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Chapter 74 


Firstly what was she thinking by getting a new job?

Secondly, why did she not tell me?

Does she know how bad it will look on us?

We were supposed to be happy. If someone else had seen her before me they would have known that we putting up an act.

Any ways that does not matters anymore because the lads saw that she has a job. They definitely know something is wrong between us.

She made it look like I would not support her.

Now, finally, is she cheating on me?

I know me married due to a compromise but she said that she would be loyal.

Well loyal my ass.

I cannot believe that she would do that. Every day for the past week, she has been here with him.

Not once did it ever occur to her to tell me what she was doing.

I never asked because I was giving her space. I did not want to intrude in her personal life.

After seeing her at Starbucks and having exploding I spend my way back to the flat.

I began drinking to relieve my stress once again until the boys came and joined me.

No one said anything about anything.


I stood there frozen in Starbucks as I saw Niall sped off.

He was angry, very angry.

Not long after the rest of the band got up to leave. Zayn, Liam and Louis said hey as they left and Harry just nodded giving me a sympathetic look.

I went to the local supermarket, spending more time than needed picking up a few things for the house.

I really did not want to go home right now but I had too. I knew that the boys may be over and my thoughts proven true because as I walked towards the flat I saw their cars.

I took my time, taking small steps trying to stall. I reached the door and I place my key in hole.

I signed as I turned the key opening the door.

The flat was quiet.

I took of my shoes and went to place the stuff I bought in the kitchen.

I made my way to the living room and I saw each of them on the couch all staring at the TV whose volume was quiet low.

I cleared my throat making them know that I was present. They eyes shot up from the TV and Harry spoke.

“Hey Mary, um… the lads and I should get going now, don’t we?” and they boys nodded.

“No you guys don’t have to leave,” I said

“It seems as though you two need to talk so we would just gave you two your personal space” Louis smiled

“Huh… talk?” I scoff “The only time we talk is around you people.” I continued getting Niall’s attention this time.

“Yes, we need to talk” Niall said

“Okay since we need to talk, you boys definitely need to be here or otherwise there would be no talking like ever.”

“Mary shut up!” Niall screamed at me. I was actually scared of him at this moment. This was the first time I ever saw him like this.

He never screamed at me, ever. He was really pissed.

“I think that you guys should leave, we” Niall gestured to between me and him “need to talk”

The boys left immediately without saying a word.

Niall followed them before shutting the front door and seeing them out.

He returned “Explain” was all he said.

I stared at him is disbelief. He wants me to explain what exactly. I do not ask him to explain anything.

“Explain?” I replied raising an eyebrow

“Yes, explain”

“Why should I? I don’t ask you anything”

“I’m your husband, I want an explanation”

“And?” I said with attitude but before he said anything, I continued to talk.

“Anyways, I got a job. Big deal”

“Yes, Big deal! Why do you need a job? I can provide for you. Do you know how humiliating it was to find out that you had a job? One that I knew absolutely nothing about.”

“Well it’s not like we talk.”

“Fine point taken, now who was the dude?”

“What dude?”

“The dude from Starbucks?”


“Yeah, him”

“What about him?”

“Who is he?”


“I meant who he is to you?” he said slightly raising his voice.

“Who is Demi to you?”

“Answer me. You can’t answer a question with a question.”

“Well didn’t I?”

“Are you having an affair with him?”

Really, he thinks I am cheating on him with Austin.

“Answer me. Does this marriage mean anything to you at all? Do even like me anymore?” he said angrily.

“Huh… I think you should be asking yourself that question,” I muttered.


“I said I think you should be asking yourself those questions because you was the one who rejected me”

“Oh please you think that this marriage is just a compromise. You don’t love me that am why you’re having an affair”

“I told you that I am not a cheater and why on earth would I be with him when I fucking in love with a douchebag, I’m in love with you!” I screamed at him.


Did I just hear right. Mary said that she is in love with me. Yes, she did.

Without thinking any further, I kissed her. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. I kissed her as if my life depended on it.

She immediately kissed back.

We were kissing for a while before I broke the kiss for air and I mumbled “I love you too Mary”

I moved from the living room with Mary in my arms and placed her in my bed.

We made out, taking off our clothes in the process and now I was positioning myself to enter her.

With that my friends, my wife Mary and I consummated our marriage.

That night we made love to each other.


Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now