Chapter 70 ♥

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Chapter 70 

April 30th 2014


That one month has surely flown by.

Niall and I are legally married once again. We have been married for two days. Today is the church wedding. I am currently in my wedding dress and staring at the mirror.

The dress is simple yet beautiful. A strapless dress that hugs my torso until my hips where it ruffles as it goes down. It had purple flowers with a band that goes around my waist and makes and nice bow at the back.

Varuna did my make up as well as my hair and I must say she did a marvellous job. My hair is curled and loose. My make-up is simple yet beautiful.

All of close friends and family are here except Mason.

He said he would try to make it but he did not come. I am not disappointed but I really wish to see him.

Suddenly I heard the door creak and I turned around to see who it was.

As I saw who it was a big smile was plastered on my face.

It was none other than Mason himself.

We quickly embraced. I looked at him and got a little sad because I just realised that he looked exactly like his brother.

I quickly pushed the thought at the back of my head.

I was going to start a new life with Niall again.

Mason and I sat talking until my mom came telling me it was time.

Mason got up and went to join everyone in the church along with my mom while I went to the hall next to the doors of the church.

Suddenly I heard, the piano playing ‘Here comes the bride’ signalling it was time to walk in.

I walked to the door and saw my dad standing next to me.

I place my hand in the small hole he made with his arm.

We took our time down the aisle.

I took glances at the guest and I was happy seeing Justin’s parents. They were happy for me. I smiled at them and then looked straight ahead to see a smiling Niall.

He looked rather handsome. He wore a simple tuxedo and next to him was Harry while Varuna was on the opposite side.

We reached the top and my dad kissed my cheek before handing me over to Niall.

I took Niall’s hand as I gave Varuna my flowers.

We stood in front of the priest as he said his prayers.

Now it was time for the vows.

The priest spoke:

“Do you, Niall Horan take Marissa Sam to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hole, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for rich, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you apart?”

Niall, “I do” and Niall placed the ring on my finger.

“Now, you Marissa Sam take Niall Horan to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hole, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for rich, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you apart?”

The moment I heard those words, I knew I wanted to be with Niall forever so I said

“I do” as I placed the ring on to his finger.

“Does anyone have an objection?” the priest said

“No, well I by the power invested by me, I now pronounced Mr and Mrs Niall Horan. You may kiss the bride.”

Niall did not waste a moment.

He took me in his arms and dipped me before planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

I was in love with Niall again.




haha Just kidding . :P 

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