Chapter 15 ♥

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We walked out of my room and walked to the hallway and to the living room. I saw the lads sitting and watching TV. Zayn turned around and saw us.

“Aw isn’t it the lovely couple” Zayn said.

I couldn’t help but blush but i quickly hid it so no one would see. Mary and I went and join the lads. We sat on the love seat.

“Mrs Horan I see your back. It’s been a while.  Niall were you getting it in Mrs Horan?” Louis said

“Louis shut up!” I shouted at him

“We were sorting out our issues” Mary said

“Yeah whatever you say. “ Louis said with a smirk as I glared at him.



I felt bad about the other day that I had to kick the guys out. So I decided to apologise.

“Guys I am sorry for the other day. My mom didn’t want Niall around and it would have looked bad to kick Niall alone out so that’s why I had to ask you guys to leave.”

“Oh thank god I thought you hated us” Zayn said with sarcasm.

“Oh I don’t hate anyone.”

Just then my phone rang


Me: Hello?

Kajol: Mary where are you?

Me: I am at …Niall’s

Kajol: Oh your mom called and asked where you were.

Me: what did you tell her?

Kajol: I said that you were with me and then she wanted to speak with you but I said you were in the bathroom. She said to call her when you’re done.

Me: Thank you and I will call her when I am finish speaking with you.

Kajol: Why are over at Niall after everything that has happened?

Me: I needed to speak to him. We needed to talk.

“Hey who is it?” Zayn whispered

“Kajol” I replied

“Your friend?  The hot one?”


“Invite her over please” he said with puppy dog eyes

Kajol: Mary, Mary are you there?

Me: Yea

Kajol: Who called me hot and what did he want?

Me: Oh it was Zayn and he wanted to know if you wanted to come over?

Kajol: Sure, where are you guys at?

Me: Hilton Hotel, 3rd floor room 313.

Kajol: Ok I will see you in a while.

As we I hung up with Kajol, I got up and walked to the kitchen and called my mom.


Mom: Hello Mary

Me: Yes mom, do you need something?

Mom: No but I wanted to know where you were. I came home and saw your uniform but you were not home. You were supposed to leave a note or call to tell me you were going out.

Me: Oh sorry, I came home and changed and I forgot to leave a note. I will remember next time.

Mom: Ok go have fun but don’t stay out to late.

Me: Bye



Mary was talking to Kajol then when she hung up she went to the kitchen but now I see her returning to living room.

“Mary is everything ok?” I whispered to her as she sat next to me.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. It was just that my mom wanted to know where I was”

“Oh is she mad that you’re here by me?”

“I told her that I was with Kajol but she would have been mad if I told her that I was at your place. She thinks that if I’m with you I’ll just be having sex all the time with you.”

“I’m sorry”

“Sorry? What are you sorry for? You didn’t do anything” she said with a smile then giving me a kiss on the cheek making me blush. Which no one noticed thankfully?

“Zayn, Kajol will be here soon” she said

“Right I guess that’s my queue to go and get SEXY” Zayn replied causing everyone to laugh.

Not long after Kajol arrived and we all decided to order pizza and watch a movie.


The guys had put on Freddie vs. Jason. I really didn’t like scary movie. Niall got some snacks from the kitchen. There was popcorn, sour patch kids, m & m’s, gummy worms, chips, Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper and the list goes on and on. Plus we ordered pizza. Zayn and Kajol sat next each other with his hands around her. Louis and Harry were cuddling and Liam sat next to me and Niall sat on the other side of me. During the middle of the show Niall placed his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I didn’t mind because when we were back in Ireland and we were watching movies together it was like a habit and I got accustom to it. It was like our tradition. A tradition that I missed. 

Mistakes ~~~ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now