Chapter 10 ♥

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As the day went by I kept seeing people staring at me and whispering. I still had no flicking idea. It was lunch. This is the only time I get to spend with Jenna, Vee and Emily because we all had different classes except for Kajol and I. I walked into the class with Kajol where we would normally have lunch to see them waiting for us.

“Hey guys! What are you all doing?” I spoke

“Am nothing really” they all said in unison

“So do you guys know why everyone keep staring at me and whispering?”

“Well… have you gone on Facebook, twitter or anything today?”

“No! Why?” I said all confused.

“Well I think you should go and see for yourself” Emily said

“Okay” I replied as I took out my blackberry and logged into Facebook. As I logged in I saw I had quite a few notifications. I checked them. Most of them were pictures that I was tagged in and people had commented on it.

I clicked the photos to saw pictures of Niall and me kissing at the party we had before in Ireland before he left for the x factor and one from when we kissed in the basement. There were pictures of him holding my hand as he sang to me at Varuna’s party and one of him leaving my house.

“Shit, how the hell did they get these pictures?” I asked as I showed Kajii the pictures.

“Well I accidentally took a picture of you guys kissing in the basement and as you know my photos update automatically on twitter but after I found out you know… I deleted them.” Kajii spoke

“The pics with him holding your hand could have been taken by anyone and they probably had uploaded it. But that’s all I know about” she continued.

“Oh okay but how on earth did they get this one?” pointing to it “this was taken in Ireland 2 years ago”

“I really don’t know”

I could help but read the comments. Some said

“Why is that bitch with him?”  

“Who the hell is she?”  

“Why is he holding, looking and kissing her? She’s so fucking ugly” 

“Bitch you better stay away from my man” and I knew who had said this. I was no other that CLARE. They were so many more negative comments. I could help it the tears began to flow. I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

I continued reading the comments. Some of them were people I had known back in Ireland.

“I knew they would end up together” – Lily said

“Awwh!  Cute couple. It’s about time they finally got together” – Alex

“So happy to see they prefer the opposite sex ;) @Niall Horan, @Mary Sam, @ the Ireland crew.” – Jay.

Comments like those made me laugh but the tears had cover them.

“So wait did you know Niall before the party?” Jenna asked

I pulled it together and nodded “Actually yes, we were friends”

“Were?” Vee asked

“Yea things changed, people change, I changed and he changed”

“Oh…ok I guess”

I searched Niall Horan on Google and saw the same thing popping up on Twitter, Tumblr, E news, My Space etc. the whole world had seen this.

As I wiped my tears I hear an announcement being made on the intercom.

“Girls there would not be any classes this afternoon; instead we would like you all to gather in the assembly hall after lunch is finish. Thank You.”


Well just great. Just what I needed to see, every single girl in the entire school who was obsessed with One Direction.

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