Chapter 46

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Knox’s POV

Time to wake up my mate


Yes, I mean it Knox, it is time to wake up.   I need to see your beautiful eyes looking back at me.   You have had enough rest.

But baby…

My face was stinging.   Why the hell was my cheek hurting and how? 

“Dammit Knox this is not funny.   Wake up now!”   Before her hand could connect with me again I reached out and grabbed her wrist.   Immediately I felt tingles in my fingers…Sophia.

“Relax my love, I am awake so please stop smacking me.”   Before my eyes was my beautiful mate, staring down at me.   She was straddling my waist and her other hand was cupping my jaw.    The concern in her eyes shifted to pure love.  

“Your back!”   Leaning over, she starting peppering my face with tiny kisses.   Laughing my arms circled her waist as I flipped us over.  

“Baby what do you mean?   Where was I?”

“Well my sexy alpha let me clear some things up for you.”

Sophia’s POV - Three days prior

With a slight nod the alpha surrendered and submitted by baring his neck to me.  


Realizing that Alpha George just surrendered I glanced at Rafe waiting to follow his lead.   Before I could contemplate what this mean a surge of power was released as Rafe tilted his head back and howled in victory.   The sound of his growl sent tingles all through my body.  Damn that was sexy.  

Within seconds my mate seemed to transform before my eyes!   His body was growing and becoming more defined, if that was at all possible.   In human form Knox was a very large man standing around 6’3” and as a wolf he was about 3 times the size of a normal wolf.   But now my mate was the size of a horse!   It was downright sexy and I couldn’t wait to see his human changes as well. 

The new Prime Alpha apparently received more than just sheer size.  Before anyone could react to his new form he was leaping through the air ripping the other alpha’s head clear from his body.   In about 2 minutes all the remaining members from the attacking pack laid decapitated in the field, all 42 of them.  

Damn…that was so fucking amazing. 

Covered in blood my mate trotted over to me.   Still in shock, everyone that surrounded us had transformed back into human and had taken a knee, in honor of their new King.   Smiling I leaned forward to place my hand on the side of his fur.  As my hand connected with him the world around us went black.     

Vlad’s POV – Still on the battle field

Holy shit!   In all my years I have never seen a wolf decapitate 42 wolves in the matter of minutes.   It was not only shocking but downright impressive.   The new King was one powerful son of a bitch.   The crowd surrounding us had shifted and stood there with their mouths hanging open.  

To completely kill a wolf in a few minutes as common for an alpha, but 42 of them was unrealistic and if I did not just witness it with my own eyes I would never believe it.

The new king definitely had some moves!   He moved so fast all you say was the heads rolling on the ground.  As he made his way over to his mate I took in the carnage he left behind.   Wow, I was speechless on what just happened.  

Shaking off the excess blood, the new king made his way over to his mate.   I stared in awe of them, the power that surrounded them was nothing like I have ever seen before.   I knew we had a chance at defeating the Council now!  

Sophia reached up to stroke her mates fur, on contact they both collapsed to the ground.   Raine reacted instantaneously by throwing her small body on top of them.   Causing all three to disappear in the blink of an eye.  

Raine…what’s going on?   Where did you go?  Are the okay?

My apologies King Vlad, but the abbreviated response would be that the Queen and King have short circuited of sorts and collapsed so that their bodies can assimilate to their new status.   I have taken them to a secure location.  

How long will they be out?

Um…not sure, but I will keep in touch.   You might want to have the Beta run the pack in the meantime.  

Okay.   Keep me posted.

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