Chapter 2 Discussions

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Harry's Pov

When I had finally snapped out of my initial shock, I changed quickly and grabbed my computer to FaceTime the lads. I really wanted to know how they all felt about this.

I just couldn't put it into words what had happened.

As I sat down comfortably on my couch, I got it all ready to FaceTime the lads, clicking on the group chat we had made before sitting back with a deep breath. I mean, I couldn't help but to be nervous when we were all about to see each other on FaceTime for the first time in awhile with the exception of Louis.

I didn't try to call him no matter how I thought I should. In my gut, I knew he wouldn't pick up despite my hopes.

I was really worried for him.

Niall was the first one to pick up. His screen was blank for a moment before his newly head of his natural brunette hair came into the screen with his face that had on a wild smile.

"Hey, Harry, mate! Its been awhile!" He chirped in his Irish accent.

I chuckled, feeling more relaxed with Niall's cheerfulness. "Yeah it has. I see you've grown the blonde out. Back to your roots, huh?"

Niall waved my words away with a small scoff. "Come on Harry, you and I both know I really didn't want to bleach my hair."

I chuckled lightly, knowing indeed the face Niall had when management had told him that he needed to bleach his hair blonde. Niall was shocked to say the least and also was upset after they had did it. But it was funny because Niall did grow attached to the bright color.

He smiled. "I am glad to be back to my roots though. I must say you've changed too, Haz. A superstar, you are now."

My lips twitched. "I've been busy, that is for certain."

"Well, I love it. The album. Though, its ashame you won't be able to do your tour," Niall pointed out, sympathy in his eyes.

I waved his words away, narrowing my eyes. "I'm sorry that you won't get to release your album and stuff too, mate..."

Niall sighed. "I mean, I will but they told me to do it after we've released another album that we're supposed to work on during tour."

"Wait, Simon wants us touring and making the album?" Niall nodded with tight lips, making me sigh. "Just like old times, right?"

Niall clicked his tongue but nodded anyways. It really was going to be like old times. We waited and nothing else had been said between us but it was mere seconds after, the screen lit up as Liam answered the call.

Zayn declined it which wasn't weird when I remembered that they were with each other.

Liam's and Zayn's faces appeared as they both sat back on a couch after Liam fixed the camera a bit to focus on them.

"Hey lads!" Liam smiled. "Its been awhile since we've had a call like this."

Zayn also had a smile but it was dimmer. And I could understand because one of us was certainly missing.

"Yeah," Niall hummed instead, seeming to catch on what Zayn was thinking. " does everyone feel about this? The band coming back?"

Zayn and Liam both looked to each other first and I waited for them since they looked like they wanted to speak first.

"Well, we only agreed because you agreed and even Louis too," Zayn started with a sigh.

"Yeah, I was kinda surprised but I want the band come back too I just wanted to wait until we all left Syco and then planned to come back with a new management," Liam said honestly.

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