Chapter 57 Trial Day two: Confrontation

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**Trigger Warning**

Louis's Pov

"Yes," I answered on the spot, opening my eyes to stare at my hands. The crowd burst into louder murmurs and my heart was so loud in my ears, it was all I could hear.

"Can you elaborate?" James asked gently. I looked up at him but not at the lads. Not at West or his lawyer. Not even the jury. Only James. I kept reminding myself he was the one asking the questions. He is the one I have to answer. Breathing in was shaky. I felt that I was on the edge of breaking. But I knew I had to do this.

"He would..." I started, my voice cracking at the end. "He would hurt me at times. He would blame me for things I couldn't control, for things that happened between me and Harry or between me and Eleanor. And then sometimes, he'd...force me. To do things with him. Physically."

James's eyes were cold and hard. The jury and the whole courtroom was silent as a mouse. No one moved. My words took a moment to truly sink in around the air. Slowly, I looked up to the lads to gauge their reactions. They didn't know anything about West using me for his own pleasures except for Zayn. This is the secret I have kept for so long and now, it was all out in the open. Yet, I did not feel relieved.

Liam, Niall and Harry had the reactions i was expecting for. Liam and Niall both immediately paled in horror and realization. My heart was caught in my throat as they looked to me. Zayn sat beside Liam. His face was sad and he bowed it which brought Liam's and Niall's attention upon him. I watched in slow motion as they asked him something but my eyes  found emerald green eyes instead.

Time fell to a stop. Harry's face was covered in devastation and pure anger. Those emerald eyes swirled with such fury and pain that it broke my heart entirely. I felt so sick and felt so useless just sitting here. I mouthed to him that i was sorry but all he did was clench his jaw and shut his eyes, his face crumpling.

"If I can get this straight," James pulled me back to reality. "Are you saying West has assaulted you, not just physically, but sexually as well?"

The question brought on a lot of loud murmurs through the crowd. The judge had to click the gavel a couple times to get the people to calm down. No one knew what was going to happen but my answer would change the course of this whole case.

And I was so fucking scared because of that reason.

"Yes," my voice was audibly shaking. "He has."

The court burst to life. West and his lawyer were up; west was yelling at me, calling me a liar and his lawyer was calling to the judge, saying we couldn't accuse West of anything if we didn't have evidence. Lottie was up with Anne and Gemma by her side, yelling at West out of anger. The lads sat back with shock in their faces and Harry looked even more broken and bruised.

"Order! Order! Order in this court!" The judge's voice boomed through the room. Despite his young age, the judge had very strong vocal cords. Yet, my beating nervous heart wouldn't let me admire such power to calm down such an uproar.  Everyone slowed to stop and the voices hushed immediately. I sat in a daze and waited for what was to come next.

"Mr. James is this true? Is your client, Mr. Tomlinson, accusing Mr. West of assault and  sexual assault?" The judge asked, sitting back down in his seat. I bowed my head and waited for James to answer for me.

"Yes," He answered simply. Tensing, I looked up. James was back to his spot but standing and West's lawyer was also standing with an angry expression across his face.

"They cannot accuse my client of anything else! This man is on trial for punching my client in the face! This is outrageous-" West's lawyer started yelling.

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