Chapter 8 Landed

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Harry's Pov

The flight to America probably took about ten hours from Heathrow. Throughout most of that flight, Liam and Zayn were in their own world, Niall ate constantly, Louis ignored everybody by sleeping, not even waking up once, and I had written a little in my journal and slept as well.

It was good; having a bit of time to ourselves before it all started again; being in the band. Even though before the hiatus, the band and the times we had were some of the most amazing experiences I will ever have and I was excited to have new ones but I wasn't ready for the hell we were about to experience either.

It was very much like hell back then. I knew the lads had their own secrets and shit that they went through with Simon; moments they were too shaken up by to tell anyone else. Hell, I had those, too, that I could never really tell anybody.

But now more than ever, we really had to stick to each other and tell each other everything to stop Simon and Modest from treating us like before or really, this time it could very well kill us again because it almost did before.

Really, they were my brothers with the exception of me having a big crush on Louis that has never gone away. I wanted to help them more now than before and I was sure that they felt the same.

A voice came through of the intercoms built into the plane, shattering my train of thoughts.

"We are nearing Los Angeles International. We will touch down in about ten minutes so please find a seat with your seat belt and have it ready. Thank you," our pilot explained professionally.

I sighed, sitting up with a stretch to ease my aching joints from sitting in the same position for most of the flight. Standing, I noticed Zayn and Liam were already in their seats, talking to each other. I didn't see Niall yet but as I sat down and got my seat belt on, he finally showed himself and naturally, he was still eating.

He passed Zayn and Liam and they only glanced at him once while they continued to talk. Niall spotted me and came over, sitting right across from me. I noticed that he was eating a whole pie in his hands, already half eaten.

"Jeez, Niall. Have you stopped eating at all during this flight?" I chuckled quietly.

Niall smirked. "Hmm, once or twice, I may have passed out from a food coma. You've gotta try it before we leave. The food was amazing."

I rolled my eyes playfully at the Irish, shaking my head. I turned back to the front but not without hearing noise from behind us.

Me and Niall turned as well as Zayn and Liam to see Louis wide awake, brushing himself off before standing as well. I didn't even know he was awake but he seemed like he has been awake for a bit.

He stretch as he passed us to sit alone at the front in a seat and none of us said anything. By his mood, I'm sure he didn't want to talk at all. Especially how things ended at his house a few days earlier. So we kept silent as we watched him, nothing more than statues.

And I couldn't help but noticed how small he looked; how thin he was.

Louis sat down with an audible sigh and buckled in and then we waited. It seemed the silence only made time go by so much more slower because all me and the lads did was stare at Louis who stared out tiredly through the window.

It made me want to go and just hold him to my chest.

But I couldn't. So I didn't.

The pilot came on again after about five minutes had passed to announce that we were near touching down in the airport. We all felt the plane start to descend. I sat next to a window and I looked out, seeing us come closer to the ground of the runway of the airport.

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