Chapter 12 The Late Late Show

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Liam's Pov

The morning came faster than I thought. Certainly, it had been an interesting past few days and yesterday was a whole surprise in its self.

It seems Simon or Modest had gotten all of our mums and Harry's sister tickets for the show and got them plan tickets so they could fly here and stay with us until we started tour.

It was a nice surprise if only we didn't know that Simon and Modest were probably only doing this to stay on our good side.

But still, it was a good surprise.

Zayn was warm next to me, sleeping peacefully. I moved slowly, being very careful not to wake him up because he would be very grumpy. When I got my arm and hand free, I reached over for my phone to check the time.

Me and Zayn did stay up with our mums, catching up on everything. It had been awhile since we've seen them in person so we finally got to share the news of our engagement to them. They both were so happy to know the news.

I nearly groaned when I saw the time on my lit up screen. We slept through the whole morning because it was nearly noon. We had to leave around four for the show to get ready and have last minute plans brought to us.

Sighing, I set my phone down and settled back against Zayn. The house was silent, calm. No one else was awake either. I knew I should probably wake everyone else up before I even decide to just stay in bed and forget the show and everything else. My eyes fluttered closed and I was laying there, peacefully.

As I started to drift back into slumber, Zayn moved slightly. I didn't think anything of it, only thought he was moving in his sleep. Except, he never moved in his sleep unless he was waking up on his own. I waited until he moved again, a soft sigh leaving his lips. I smiled slightly before clearing my face, to pretend that I was asleep.

Zayn moved again, this time sitting up slightly. I felt his hand move, his fingers caressing the side of my face lightly. It was hard not to lunge on him right then from the warm touch but instead, I just leaned into him slightly, enough to make him think that I was doing it in my sleep.

I nearly frowned when he moved his hand away.

"Li," Zayn said softly. I hummed quietly in answer.

He chuckled and the sound made me smile uncontrollably. "We have to wake up the others."

I sighed, moving my arm to plop it over my eyes, and didn't say anything. Zayn didn't say anything else except chuckle, moving to climb on top of me. Immediately, my hands found his hips as Zayn straddled me. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me.

He gripped at my bare chest. "Wakey, wakey."

He winked and I tightened my grip on his hips to pull him forward. Zayn got what I was doing and dipped down to me as I leaned forward to make our lips meet in the middle. Zayn sighed into the kiss, his hand coming up to cup my face, making the kiss deeper.

Our lips glided together and I was about to make the kiss deeper with my tongue before a loud thud sounded right outside our door in the hall.

Me and Zayn broke apart immediately and looked to the door. We waited and listened. Niall's voice was loud and I could hear Harry's voice faintly next to his.

I started to laugh because I knew what Niall did; waking up Harry so Harry could make him food. It was true, Harry made fantastic food and Niall always begged him to make food for us during our old touring days.

I sighed then, hearing their ruckus. "I guess we have to get up then before Niall comes barging through the room."

Zayn tightened his grip. "Who said we couldn't make it quick?"

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