Chapter 10 So Worried, You're Drunk

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Harry's Pov

I don't know what the fuck just happened.

Louis looked so broken, so defeated...

Every single one of my thoughts about him, all of the red flags that were raised, had now just been confirmed. I needed to go to him. I needed to know if he was alright.

He looked like he was about to cry.

It really broke my heart...

It was a long ass moment as everyone stared at the door after Louis had slammed it open and disappeared around the corner, leaving the door to shut loudly in his wake.

Simon didn't give two fucks. "Right, lads, get home and rest. Your families will be coming today, they'll be driven to wherever you're staying by our drivers. Feel free to spend time with them but don't plan on doing anything else. Get here at five pm sharp and no later. This show must run smoothly for the enjoyment of the fans and even the world. I expect all of you to be on your best behavior."

"We're not fucking children," the words just flowed out of my mouth before I could stop them and Simon looked at me with a raised brow. "What? Its true!"

Simon dismissed my words. "As I was saying, I don't care if you're not fucking children, you're under contract and soon enough it will be time to renew that contract to make sure you all are reminded about certain rules of which are apart of that said contract."

The threat was unmissable.

I pinched my lips shut but didn't bother to hide my glare. It was hard to make me angry but when people did, some would say that I was scary. If only that held true to Simon who didn't even blink in my direction after my comment.

It was so obvious that he was speaking about Liam and Zayn and me and Louis, even though we weren't romantically involved as much as I wished. People only thought and wished that we were and anything we did led all to that.

Hence the restrictions placed on me and Louis, like no whispering on stage or even hanging out in public like friends, even though I was pretty sure Louis wouldn't wanna do that with me.

But it didn't make sense when Liam and Zayn don't have as much restrictions as me and Louis. But then again, not as many fans thought they were together.

Simon didn't say anything else so James took over cautiously.

"Well, lads, go home and enjoy your surprise! See you boys tomorrow!" James smiled widely and clapped. Assistants came forward as we climbed down from the stage as one. It felt weird to speak or doing anything.

We were threatened and everybody heard that.

The assistants did their job and took our mics and stuff, leaving us bare again. I grabbed my coat while the lads waited, all too silent.

I went to the them and I was the first to head to the door. As a slow group making our way to the door, Simon didn't care and called out to remind us again.

"Five pm sharp!"

I rolled my eyes and gripped the pockets of my coat tightly. It irritated me to no end.

I hated him.

When I reached the door handle, I whipped it open for the lads. They scampered by while I glared at Simon dead in the eyes. He was smug and he didn't try to hide the fact of it. With one last glare, I turned and slammed the door shut behind me, looking to where the lads crowded the desk where the lady would let us by.

Niall was the first to look at me. "Should we go and check up on him? He looked kinda..."

With his words trailed off and low, I understood. Liam was talking to the lady at the desk in a hushed voice but he glanced at me as well. Zayn, too, also held a knowing look.

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