Chapter 54 Punch Back

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Niall's Pov

When the sun hit my eyes, I was welcomed by warm arms and my head tucked into a shoulder. I didn't even remember falling asleep in the first place. Last night, all I remembered was Blake coming into my hotel room, the lads leaving and then Blake bringing his mum over so we could meet. Nothing was awkward after that, everything felt as if it was at ease and me and Blake were normal again. But, we weren't together and part of me knew that Blake's mum knew that too.

She was the sweetest woman ever. She was so kind even though when she first walked in she gave me a stern look up and down. From the corner of my eye, I could see Blake giving her a warning look and after that, it was all smiles. We had talked about how we met, our few dates, our much we talked but nothing of the two months we endured without each other. Mrs. Callas was all supportive and seemed to love to listen while Blake talked about me and vice versa.

The room was silent and peaceful. Unmoving. I would try to move but I was too comfortable in Blake's arms and I was pretty sure he was still sleep so I merely snuggled back into his warm body and slipped my eyes closed.

"Are you awake?" The rumble in his chest shook me and I guess I was wrong. The roughness in his voice made it impeccably deeper and I couldn't deny the sound made me fuzzy.

"Yeah," I whispered and when I made the move to pull away, he let me, so I could look up into his hazelnut eyes. They were droopy with tiredness, his coppery and red hair a mess and no glasses on. He was in a jumper from the night before and we were on one of the couches.

"Is your mum still here? I don't even remember falling asleep," I sat up slowly and my question was immediately answered when I saw that Blake's mum had overtaken the bed. She was starfished amongst all the blankets and pillows, snoozing soundly and peacefully. Blake chuckled at the sight I presumed, sitting up beside me.

"You were the first to pass out. I hope you didn't mind she stayed. I didn't want her to go all the way to our hotel alone in the night," Blake told, his arm snaking around my waist.

I don't mind. It was late when we made it to the hotel and we were talking. I was so exhausted, I'm not surprised I passed out," yawning, I stretched my arms up to crack my shoulders. Blake hummed, ducking his head into the crook of my neck. I let out a breath, falling back into his arms, to feel his lips tickling the sensitive part of my skin. Goosebumps jumped across my skin and I felt warmth pool into my belly. Blake smiled into my skin because he knew damn well what he was doing to me.

But right at that moment just as I was about to let Blake continue, there was a loud knocking fist on the door of the suite and Liam was bursting in without waiting for an answer to come in. I groaned in exasperation but Liam came in with a frazzled look that turned into co fusion when Blake's mum woke up and he saw me and Blake twisted together.

"What the fuck?" Mrs. Callas groaned. "Why are y'all loud? It's too early for this."

Liam looked in between me and a Blake who were trying to contain our laughter and the grumpy mum.

"Listen, as much as I would like to bombard you all with a thousand questions, Niall, we have to go," Liam rushed out and that's when I took in the seriousness of the situation. Blake let me stood up in a hurry and I took a good look of Liam. He was ruffled and the heavy purple bags beneath his eyes aren't doing him any good.

"Liam, what the fuck is happening?" I asked, grabbing my shoes and a coat. I didn't have to change because I was already in my clothes form last night.

Liam shook his head, running a hand through his hair. "Trust me, I wish I knew what was happening too. But fuck, Paul woke me and Zayn up. West is here, in London, and based how Paul was acting, we are in mega, deep, shit."

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