Chapter 14 An Open Wound

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**Trigger warning **

Louis's Pov

The show ended with our performance of Story of My Life. The rest of it went over my head. I couldn't pay attention. I knew I had made a mistake when I couldn't deny the Larry rumors and said that me and Eleanor were broken up and we would never get back together.

I added to the fire. And things were going to get worse for me. But I didn't want sit there and spread lies again. I was done with Eleanor and she was done with, not just me, but management too.

She had told me the truth that she only did it for money and that she didn't like ruining my friendship with the boys because they didn't like her and don't even mention her around Harry, honestly. But at the end, we were only friends who held hands in public, one being paid to do it, the other suffering for it.

It was a good choice when Eleanor quit once the hiatus started and she had helped me blindside management.

I shivered as the curtains closed off the stage. I didn't realize we were done. I was glad it was written into my muscle memory because I had totally blacked out. My feet moved like they were told to by my brain but I held no thoughts, no emotions even, and I was digging a deeper hole already to bury myself in.

Giving my mic and sound box and everything else to the assistant who was quick to take them and scurry away without a glance made me feel numb. It was hard to focus on anything except for the urge to go home and cut my arms until I fall into a oblivion.

Someone was tapping my shoulder and I numbly looked over to see James with an apologetic face.

"Louis, please, I'm so sorry. Simon and West had put in those questions...I know you don't want anyone else to know about your break. I am, for one, really sorry to have asked you those questions," James was sincere in his apology but I couldn't feel anything. No ounce of anything.

"Its fine, James," but my voice told James something else because his face fell. The lads drifted behind him with worried looks as they took off their own mics and earbuds attached to themselves.

Loud, angry, marching footsteps came rushing towards me and I held my breath, closing my eyes, just to wait because I knew what was going to happen. And he didn't care if he blew up in front of the lads or anyone. But at least he wouldn't go as far as yelling my face.

That was my hope at least.

A harsh hand gripped my boney shoulder tightly to the point of bruising but I bit my tongue to keep in a noise of pain. The hand flung me around to face a very rageful West.

"You idiot!" He hissed, low enough for me to hear and no one else. He squeezed my shoulder even tighter and I couldn't help but to wince at the pain.

"Why couldn't you just fucking deny the Larry rumors?!" West was beyond angry and I could tell because he chose to grip the front of my shirt instead. "Why did you say you and Eleanor were broken up?! You're going to be responsible for this!"

He shoved me away and I stumbled back. I thought I was going to fall but in a split second a solid chest was there, breaking it.

A deep voice came back biting. "Don't you dare push him or talk to him like that! He did nothing wrong, you fucking asshole!"

Harry was right behind me and I held my breath because he caught my arm and pulled me away, pushing West off of me. I could barely hold in a wince from the pain on my fresh cuts even though Harry's touch was gentle, warm and soothing.

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