Chapter 36 So, This is Goodbye? Pt. 2

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Harry's Pov

Liam, Niall and Zayn all left with Paul for the office two hours ago. During that time, I actually spent time talking to Blake with Gemma, my mum and Lottie. I wasn't really in the mood, at first, to get to know him. However, curiosity got the best of me. Louis was still asleep, vitals all good, but that didn't mean I wasn't on guard.

But this Blake person...he's actually very kind, respectful and smart. It was nice because he didn't seem to be overwhelming but calm. Now that I did think about it, Niall is very much a wildcard and energetic compared to the gentleness this guy gave off.


Of course, I saw them getting close. The slight touches. I've had that experience before so it was easy to catch. Nobody could be slick around me and the lads anymore, let's be honest. Perhaps Blake and Niall didn't have a connection. Hell, I believe Niall is straight but this man, I knew he wasn't.

Besides that, he had an interesting job; an animal photographer and was still in college for a masters but took online classes. He didn't brag and answered questions humbly and quietly. Watching him, it feels like he was worried and deep in thought. I didn't talk much, only letting the girls do their thing. They distracted each other with there own tea and gossip. Which was good, good for them. While they were in their own worlds, I actually took a chance to speak to the worried guy.

"Are you ok?" My voice low, gentle even. The girls didn't hear it. Blake startled, whipping his head to me.

"Me?" He pointed to himself and I nodded. "I'm...ok. Are you?"

"Tired," I thought about leaving it at that but I didn't. "I know you're not just ok."

Blake pressed his lips together tightly, debating perhaps on telling me the real reason behind his conflict.

"I'm worried about Niall," he answered finally, narrowing his shy gaze. I didn't say it but I wasn't surprised. Certainly, I didn't have time to say it because coming down the hall where Niall, Liam and Zayn. They had looked sad, angry and frustrated. Zayn and Liam were close to each sides in a way that shows me they're comforting each other.

Slowly, I stood because that wasn't a good sign. I can see it; the meeting not going well at all for any of us. Because it never does end well.

The girls finished their conversation; their voices dying away as the trio joined us. Blake stood beside me, trying to subtly reach for Niall but Niall carried a distant look on his face so Blake failed.

"Is everything ok?" Eleanor was the first to quietly ask. I clenched my jaw. Niall shook his head no. I knew it.

"Harry," Liam's voice was in that authoritative state, the one he gets when things are really serious. "Can we talk to you, alone?"

I felt everyone's eyes upon me as I felt pure rage fill me to the rim of my body. I was seriously on the edge of committing murder.

"What. Did. He. Say."

Simple four words. Laced with venom.

"He wants us to carry on the tour without Louis..." Liam broke, his gaze narrowing down to the ground. "In the UK."

Red was all I saw yet there was nothing I could do with my anger and oh, it was so so, painful and I was crying again. I turned away from the silent group to try to collect myself but I was shaking. Feeling an urge take over me that I haven't in such a long, long time.

The urge to cut.

I haven't felt this urge in years. Since the beginning of one direction really. I was secretly bullied in school and when I started one direction, it really didn't help at all. Most of the hate comments just got to me and I did it many times but it has been a secret I've kept to myself for a the longest time till my mother found out around the time we released our third album as a band. That's when I quit.

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