Chapter 40 We'll be Alright

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Harry's Pov

"They're late for the call."

Today was Louis's birthday. Christmas Eve. And well currently, I had my face up to a computer, waiting for Lottie to FaceTime me for another update about Louis. And well, as I said, she was late.

"How late?" My mum asked from the kitchen. Niall was beside me while Gemma, Zayn and my mum were all in the kitchen preparing some food. We were planning a good day in hopes of to see Louis t0o on his birthday. The last text I had gotten from Lottie was a couple of days ago, telling me that she had talked to his doctors and they told her that she could see him finally.

I didn't understand why they were so strict with their visitation rules but we couldn't complain when they were in America and we were on the opposite side of the earth.

"About an hour and a half," I answered my mum, finally taking the time to stand and stretch my legs from the spot. I've been sitting in the same spot for that amount of time. I just couldn't wait, is all. Niall stood beside me as well and followed me right into the kitchen where Gemma and Zayn were covered in flower and my mum was taking out a freshly batch of cookies that were down.

"Holy shit, those smell so fucking good," Niall cursed, reaching for one already but my mum gently smacked his hand away from them.

"First off, language. Second, no, they must cool down and they're for everyone," Niall pouted at my mum which made us all laugh.

Since being back home, even if it had been two days since the last show, the mood has been lighter, even a bit freer. It was the holidays and Christmas was tomorrow. Still, there lingered a dark cloud around us but we didn't talk about it. It was easier that way.

The plans for the break were to spend Christmas Eve together before Zayn, Liam and Niall go to spend the holidays with their families and then we'd all come back together at my home again in the new year. It still didn't hit that twenty eighteen was right around the corner...

And I might not see Louis till then.

"Come on, not even one? A little one?" Niall pleaded and it actually made me happy because he got his appetite back.

My mum roses a brow at him in suspicion. "Unless you want to burn your mouth to bits, I don't care. As long as you pick one of the tiny ones!"

Niall grinned in victory and quickly snatched a cookie and scattered off which made my mum squawk out in protest.

"Niall Horan! I told you one of the small ones!" My mum went to chase him but gave up when he popped around the corner with a stuffed mouth. She shook her head amused and me, Gemma and Zayn all laughed at the interaction. My mum shook her head, fighting a smile, and went back to making more cookies.

"I better check the computer again," I sighed, watching Gemma and Zayn help her while itching for something to do.

"You know, if you keep staring at that screen, you're gonna mess up your eyes and it's not going to make them call any faster," Gemma pointed out, wiping the flower off her hands.

"She's got a point, H," Zayn butted in. "Just gotta wait."

Their words didn't help.

"But, I can't help it," I admitted. "I'm worried. Lottie hasn't texted me in a couple of days and hasn't responded to any of my messages."

"I'm sure she has a reason," my mum reassured. "Perhaps she got a little busy?"

The reassurance wasn't working. I didn't realize Niall had disappeared till he popped up right beside me because I was so caught up in my thoughts. Truthfully, I barely could sleep because I was thinking about Lottie and what if something went wrong and that's why Lottie hasn't texted me back? I didn't want to even think about it but I had to face the possibilities. We haven't been necessarily lucky.

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