Chapter 56 Trial Day One: The Start

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A/N: I did my best with this :,)) just know that I've never been to court and have no clue how it happens so I'd do my best!!

Six weeks later

Louis's Pov

I've been in handcuffs for at least two hours now. Harry and the lads successfully bailed me out of jail and into the world again filled with all the rumors and speculations surrounding me and West. It was very well known news that I was in jail and West was sueing but to the public, those reasons were unknown. Therefore, all the fans have put in their own guesses as to why this was all happening.

As for me and the lads, we've been laying it low. Harry's London house was open to us, his mum and Gemma and Lottie. Harry called Gemma and his mum to find a lawyer for me after he visited me during my first night of being in jail. He told me they found one and later that week we met him.

His name was Jake Eastland. Quite the opposite vibe of West and I liked him. Anne has told me how good he was in court and how we might be able to win this in the bag. I was excited, Jake was ready and Harry had hope for the lads. We just had to wait for the trial to start.

Hence the handcuffs.

I had to go into court by police escort, leaving the lads behind. That was my morning. Getting ready, talking to James and Harry and everybody to figure what the fuck I'm gonna do or say or anything. It's all so overwhelming and even scary. I've never been in court ever. I wish Harry was beside me but he wasn't. Not to mention that when we made it to the courthouse, the two police men escorting me did not care about their jobs at all. I could very well make a sprint for it and they probably wouldn't chase me.

The courthouse was big and already so full. I didn't get a peak in to see if the lads were here or not. I had to be placed under watch till the judge calls me in as the defendant. Everyone was here. Gemma, Anne, Lottie, the lads, Paul and Simon and everyone else who works for West. I could only tell because when they brought me to the doors that I would enter in through, everyone was talking and buzzing. My name and West's were being thrown everywhere.

"All rise," one booming voice echoed through the court. Everyone at once shushed. Silence was left and all I could hear was the sound of my thundering heart. This is it. The start of either winning or falling.

"Please stand for a moment of silence," the same booming voice spoke. I stood there awkwardly, not really sure of what do to. The moment of silence felt like it went on forever. I resisted the urge to move many times during that time, hoping the seconds would go by quicker.

"Please sit and welcome Judge David Valentine." Silence again but this time it welcomed creaky footsteps coming up and taking a seat. I felt like I had to stand up straighter so I did. The policemen beside me also adjusted themselves. This was it. I took one breath in and out. My nerves were beyond sky high at this point.

A hard professional voice cleared his throat and I resided myself for it. "Today, we are here for the case between Mr. John West and Mr. Louis Tomlinson. Please bring in the defendant."

The double doors opened and I was immediately engulfed by the huge crowd of people there. One side of the court, was West, his lawyers, Simon and everyone that was on his side. On the other side of the court were James, a policemen and everyone who supported me. Immediately, my eyes followed and searched for Harry's. He was already looking at me with a hard face and sad eyes.

Next to him were Niall, Liam and Zayn. All of them in suits, all of them with sad expressions. Behind them were Gemma, Anne, Lottie and Paul. The rest of my family couldn't make it because Dan and Mark both had to work so the twins Daisy and Phoebe were taking care of the young twins.

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