Chapter 34 I want to see those blue eyes

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Harry's Pov

The sun was up when I finally woke. Still, exhaustion was heavy on my eyes and shoulders because I only really had gotten a couple hours. When I came to and rubbed my eyes to clear the blurriness, which honestly didn't help the puffiness, I saw that everyone else was fast asleep.

Except for one person. A stranger who sat beside Niall. This stranger had glasses perked up on his nose, from the looks of it greenish eyes, red dyed hair and olive skin. He looked good despite looking very tired as well but I wondered who he was.

And so I asked. "Who are you?"

Since the question were the first words I've said in hours, my throat was horribly dry. The stranger looked at me and I got a good look at his face. The eyes were hazel and his face was young.

Pushing up his glasses, he met my gaze with a strong one himself. "My name is Blake. I'm a friend of Niall's. Do you, by any chance, want some water?"

Looking him up and down, I measured his words. He held an American accent so clearly from this country but I had questions. He seemed to hold good intentions but I wasn't really in a good mood to trust anyone.

"No...I'm good," I said slowly. "How do you know Niall?"

Blake then hesitated, catching my guard. "I met him through his friends after one show...and we've just kept in touch. I saw what happened on the news and I thought I could stop by and see if everything was ok."

Everything wasn't.

Of course I didn't say that out loud. The man looked very innocent, hell, nice. Perhaps convincing me, but I didn't bite the bait. Turning away, I hugged myself and left the conversation at that, wasn't excepting him to continue either as he didn't know me and I certainly didn't know him.

Checking my phone, which was barely hanging on at this point, I had gotten a couple texts from Gemma and my mum. They had just landed. My heart raced. I couldn't wait to see my sister and mum so I just could hug them and cry into their shoulders. That's all I really wanted...

Well that and Louis. I needed him. It wasn't just a want.

Blake spoke again. "I'm very sorry."

The words sounded so genuine, it really put tears into my eyes.

"You don't have to be," and left it at that.


Liam's Pov

The first thing I checked when I woke up was the time. It barely had reached noon and still, I was so tired. Rubbing eyes my eyes, I stretched, realizing Zayn wasn't beside me, Eleanor was talking to Niall and a stranger and Harry was awake in his corner, staring blankly at the wall.

So nothings changed besides the fact that there was a stranger besides Niall. Still, the air was somber and it seems like Niall trusted this man because ever so slightly I could see short smiles appear upon his face as he watched the stranger. It seemed particular. Standing to stretch my legs, I walked over to the small group who were talking about food or whatever. They slowed down their conversation as I joined them.

I looked at the stranger; the red copper hair, tan or olive skin, glasses and green brown eyes, wearing joggers and a hoodie. He looked nice enough.

"Hey, Liam, what's up?" Niall greeted me first.

Yawning, I answered. "Nothing much. Just needed to stretch my legs. Where's Zayn?"

"He went to get some snacks and something to drink," Niall answered.

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