Chapter 58 Trial Day Three: The Verdict

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Louis's Pov

Twelve fucking hours. Twelve.

The next day was simple. Either I win and West goes to jail or I lose and I get sent to jail and everything just goes to hell.

I rode alone once again to the courthouse. They've been keeping me in protective custody while the trial has gone on because this was a huge case and it did involve celebrities. The jury took well over twelve hours to talk it through to see who was guilty and who wasn't.

When I was hoping James' closing statement would be enough.

I haven't seen Harry or any of the lads or my family after everything was thrown out into the open about what West truly did to me. I was afraid of their reactions and well, we haven't even had the chance to talk it through. I sat in a new suit in the car, James sitting next to me with a nervous expression deepening his face. His nerves were understandable.

The regulars would be live-streamed across all live TV.

Since the actual trial couldn't be live streamed,  only because I didn't allow it, they suggested live streaming the results and I had no choice but to agree when West jumped on the idea and everybody also agreed. I only merely wanted the trial to be private because I knew my secrets would get out and I didn't want that out to the public.

At least not yet. Not till I was ready.

The car stopped and my heart nearly stopped with it. The ride was too short in my mind despite it only being an hour from the station I was at with James to the courthouse. Everybody would be there; me and James, West and his lawyer show up at the end. The judge would come in and that'll be it. No matter what and no matter how much I pray, whatever happens, I'd just have to take it.

And hopefully, I'll have the lads sticking with me to the end.

It seemed like over a hundred paparazzi were outside waiting for me to step out of the car; at least that's what it felt like. My heart roared in my ears while my eyes faced the blinding lights of hundreds of cameras shooting at me. James was beside me immediately, staying close and pressing a protecting hand upon my shoulder. My nerves leaped into my throat and I tired to ignore all the questions being thrown at me from all angles. James and a few other body guards pushed people out of the way so we could make it inside and avoid all of the chaos.

I could finally breathe when the doors shut closed and the sounds of the reporters disappeared. However, my nerves did not go away. Me and James stood side by side as we walked down the halls together, tense. Our job was not done yet. When we made to the jury room, we waited for the judge to welcome us in.

"Please welcome in the defendant," An officer spoke after a moment of silence. On cue, the two double doors opened and me and James were welcomed into the room. Everyone's eyes were on us and my own immediately found openly wide emerald eyes. Harry's face was pale compared to his usually sun kissed complexation. His face was filled troubling emotions and i could see the dark clouds above his head and my heart tinged in pain. Through his eyes, i could see the hidden meaning behind them.

We have to talk.

My heart knocked my chest in an anxious beat when I turned away to sit down. The jurors were there with unreadable faces. I could feel West's eyes on me when I looked to face him. My gut twisted into knots to find Simon there too, sitting right behind him with a tensed jaw. I faced forward, landing my eyes upon the judge. This was it.

"Good morning," the judge started out saying and the court responded. "Today is the last day of the West-Tomlinson case. Jury, have you reached a decision ?"

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