Chapter 18 Tour Starts

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Harry's Pov

Sharing a hotel with Louis wasn't actually that bad. Of course, it was only for one night. But really not that bad. I stayed clear out of his way and it seemed to make him more relaxed and chill.

I guess once he realized that I wasn't gonna bager him with questions, he welcomed my company and we shared a sort of mutual silence. Well, as much as I wanted to keep the silence for Louis's sake, I did want to make conversation with him and perhaps, did what we used to in the band before it got worse.

I loved the long night conversations we'd used have; about how we talked and talked about everything until one or the other falls asleep.

In the morning, I was the first to wake up. Luckily, it was a suit with two beds so there wasn't any problems.

It was nearly eight when I woke up and I tried my best to carry on with making tea and making breakfast for the both of us silently without waking up Louis. I did so without any trouble because Louis was a heavy sleeper.

I made pancakes and eggs and couldn't help but to make his favorite cup of tea; yorkshire. I didn't know why but it felt right just to be making breakfast and tea for two.

I was always making breakfast and stuff for myself or for the  other lads or for my mum and sister...but it was very different because I was making it for Louis.

A small smile was gracing my lips. I had a warm feeling wrapped around my heart and I couldn't help the butterflies that tingled in my gut.

It just felt right.

Once I was done making breakfast, I went to wake Louis up. He did have to wake up soon because we all had to leave for rehearsal for our first show tonight.

His silhouette was completely covered by his blanket. As I got closer, I could see his face poking out of his cocoon. His face was released, more peaceful than I had ever seen since then old band days.

I sighed somberly and shook my head from my thoughts. I reached over gently and shook his shoulder to wake him. It took a few times but finally he stirred and I stepped away to watch his eyes flutter open.

Louis's brows furrowed and he grumbled nonsense under his breath. I couldn't help but smile.

"Louis, you've gotta get up," I couldn't help the softness in my voice. He looked so cuddly.

He glared at me nonetheless and didn't say anything, cuddling deeper within the blankets.

"You'll be late getting ready if you sleep any longer. I made you breaky and tea, if you want it," I tilted my head at him, waiting for any reaction. He didn't move but his eyes lit up.

"I'll go and check up on the lads and leave you to it then," I stood tall, getting the feeling he would get up if I left and I did exactly that; grabbing a coat and leaving the door but not without glancing back at Louis again.

He did get up slightly. At least the blankets were off of him and he sat there, stretching. I didn't linger, wanting him to have his privacy, and left with the click if the door shutting behind me.


Louis's Pov

Harry had woken me up to a heavenly smell. He talked, I listened and it wasn't long before he left.

I sat there, watching the door, waiting for him to burst through again. I was still waking up, still groggy, but I could feel the pain of my stomach howling desperately for the heavenly delicious food Harry made not even six feet away from me.

I stared at it for a moment within my comfortable and safe cocoon of blankets. Really, I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to.

But it warmed my cold hole of a heart to know Harry was willing to make a breaky for me and even tea of which, I could tell, was my favorite.

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