Chapter 32 Broken

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Zayn's Pov

He was nothing. Hollow.

Sitting there like an empty shell, not broken from the outside but much worse...broken on the inside. Harry just sat there; unmoving, staring blankly into the distance of the ongoing hospital. So much has happened. Police, paparazzi, medics, fire trucks, tears, disbelief and emptiness.

It's been probably an hour since we arrived at the hospital. Liam and Niall have been making the phone calls to Paul or checking Twitter, seeing all of the articles about Louis'a admission into the hospital. Thankfully, Police communicated with us and the hospital, making sure no paparazzi got a whiff of what went down. The hospital provided us a private spot too, to wait for the doctors to give us an update on Louis.

I sat there, just watching Harry. Seeing the emptiness within him mixed with a little bit of hope. I saw it when he told us that he found a pulse on Louis...the only hopeful thing on the table after finding him.

Honestly, I felt suffocated. Scared.

"The show tonight was canceled," Niall said softly, voice still thick from the crying we all had did. Niall looked tired as fuck. We all did. To anyone's eyes, I'm pretty sure we looked like a hit fucking mess.

No one answered him and he left it at that, continuing his search on Twitter. Looking over Liam's body, as he was sitting next to me, I watched as Niall scrolled the many tweets of so many fans asking what the fuck was happening, many of them saying Louis was in the hospital; the article about it being retweeted over and over again.

Eleanor then appeared, just coming back for a bathroom and coffee break. She held a cupholder with the cups, sitting beside Niall. We have Harry space, merely one seat between me and him, because we honestly didn't know what to say to him.

I couldn't get the picture of Harry sobbing over Louis's body, the sound of it all still fresh in my ears. I couldn't shake it and I don't think I could ever shake it away.

"Styles?" A stern, professional, voice approached us quietly. Five heads whipped up together to face the doctor, who stood there apprehensively. I searched his face for any negative emotion but the doctor's eyes were kind, even filled with sympathy and worry upon Harry.

He held a clip board and pen in hand and I know he knew who were. Those weren't eyes of looking upon strangers no, they held hints of recognition through his veil of professionalism.

"So," the doctor started, tapping his clipboard. "My name is dr. Railyn. I'll be the doctor for Louis Tomlinson. I know who you all are so there's no problems with me giving you all confidential information about my patient."

"How is he?" This was the first Harry spoke since we found Louis. His voice was raw and cold, no emotion, raspy and deep.

The doctor, Dr. Railyn, was concerned, brows furrowed. "Well...I'll start by saying this. Louis is lucky to be alive and lucky you all found him just in time before he fully went. Ten more minutes, he probably would've been too gone with the drugs and alcohol he took as well as cutting up his arms to create blood loss. We've put him on IV to keep him hydrated and finally got him to be stable with his heart back on tracks. We've put cream and medicine on his arms and bandaged them. Now we are going to start the detox process to get the bad drugs and alcohol out of his system."

Relief flooded over me. He was stable. He was going to be fine.

"But," Dr. Railyn took a heavy breath. "We don't know when he will wake up. His physical state is still weak even after we got him stable and his heart right...he is malnourished and that we have predicted that Louis has fallen under anorexia or at least very well in the beginning stages of it. Because of that, as well as his mental state and the trauma he has endured, me and other doctors have concluded that his body went into shut down after he overdosed. We hope to bring in a psychiatrist to help us mend his mental state but it is very difficult when he is in a coma..."

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