Chapter 30 Last Breath

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**Trigger Warning**

Louis's Pov

My heart was in my throat for the whole drive to one of West's offices. I knew he had one in California but I did not know he had one in Texas. I guess it made sense because Texas was a big state but god damn I wish he didn't have one here. I wish I wasn't heading there on my own. I felt so motion sick.

The only think that is keeping me together was the little kids Harry snuck to me upon my lips. It was small and light but there and shit, it was enough to keep me breathing. But as we got closer and closer till the car stopped, I was on the mere edge of hyperventilation.

The driver and I met each others eyes and he held nothing but a frown and sympathetic eyes. Swallowing thickly, I climbed out of the car with jelly limbs and a heavy head. I don't think I could make it through this without passing out.

The driver got out of the car with me and opened the door for me. I barely could manage to say thank you as I was greeted by the woman at the desk. She was older then me with thin lips, right eyes and greying brown hair with brittle skin. Without a word, she looked me up and down before turning on her heel and walked down the hospital white hall, her heels making the clicking clacking sound I hated.

Following her, my gut sank with every step till we reached the office. On her heels, she turned and opened the door, holding it for me. I held my breath, quietly thanking her to of which she ignored as I walked into the office. I barely even could focus on her when I'm met with the two men who've ruined my life.

West was sitting in a chair at his desk, his hands intertwined and that sick smile upon his face. And as if this wasn't horrible enough, Simon was right beside him, sitting on a counter against the wall where a bookshelf laid behind him. No one else was in the suddenly tight room.

My fears only circled up and choked me harder.

"Go ahead and sit down, Louis. This won't take every long," West said, voice neutral. Without saying a word, I took the farthest seat away from them.

Simon cocked his head at me, eyes like an eagles. "I think you can guess why you're here."

My heart felt like it could stop at any moment. Perhaps, I could guess why.

West cleared his throat, the sickening smile turning up his tomato cheeks. "You and that boyfriend of yours clearly haven't learned each others lessons. You've made too many mistakes than my liking so it's time to teach you a lesson."

It might as well stop. My fear wouldn't let me speak. And really, I couldn't care enough to speak. As far as they were concerned for me, they weren't.

I'm done.

"Speak of the devil," the door opened, the clicking of heels following the sound of the door shutting. "Hello, again, Eleanor."

Simon was the one who greeted her. I didn't look at her. I felt nothing at all as she took a seat a ways away from me. I was grateful for the distance. I wasn't in the mood for shit. I just wanted to lock myself up with booze and my blades because fuck it, I was done.

Clearly, I could never be happy. Clearly, I could never be with Harry and and just be happy.

They've used me in so many ways, both West and Simon. Both in many ways and fuck it, I just can't fucking take it any more.

"So you two know the drill. Walk around, hand in hand, maybe laugh a bit or pose for the paparazzi with a kiss on the cheek or even lips. You know, something to erase those stupid gag gory rumors they have of you and that other twink," West waved around the words, all bored and smug.

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