Chapter 7 Flights

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Liam's Pov

"Zayn!!" I yelled, running around our room like a chicken with my head cut off. "We need to pack right now or we're gonna miss our flight and Simon's gonna fucking kill us!!"

Two days had passed since the meeting and since we had first seen Louis when he showed his face to the public in close to two years and I have to say it was wild.

The reactions of it were crazy. All on the news was Louis and that was it. Louis and the hard core rumors about our reunion as a band.

So much for a secret big comeback.

Zayn's laugh echoed through the air and I couldn't help but to smile at the beautiful sound. But he wasn't helping.

I had two opened suitcases on our bed with clothes staggered everywhere as I searched through them, throwing the ones we needed somewhere, hopefully, close to our bed while I continued blindly.

We really couldn't miss this flight. I couldn't even describe how many times Simon has yelled shit at us for missing our timed flights when we were just playing or losing track of time. This was when we were still young in the band and really did act like children and not our age.

It was fun until it wasn't.

I groaned, turning to call out for my fiance again but Zayn was already there, wrapping his arms around me to pull me into his chest.

"Come on, Li. We're gonna be fine, we won't miss our flight. Niall is coming to help us and I'm sure he's gonna drag Harry with him since you decided to wake up at this ungodly hour," Zayn chuckled and I relaxed into his arms, wrapping my own around his waist. "You know, I'd be going to bed than waking up, right now. We have about five hours before our flight takes off. We have plenty of time."

He swayed us side to side as he lightly singsonged the words to tease me.

"But you know, we'll somehow end up late," I grumbled into his neck.

Zayn pulled away and he shrugged, staying silent but I waited.

"Maybe," he burst out into a loud cackle and I slumped.

There it is... I thought while Zayn continued to laugh joyously.

"We're gonna miss it and then we'll be yelled at," I groaned again, kicking the clothes at my feet.

But Zayn's smile was bright and I felt weak in my knees from seeing it. "Maybe but you know, we're not children any more so I really don't give a fuck if Simon thinks he can scold us all he wants."

He turned to walk off as I stood there in the pile of clothes. He turned to look at me before he laughed again.

"Oh no," I said right before he was about to leave the room. "You're not leaving me to do this by myself again."

I scurried after him but Zayn was quick to dash out and disappear around the corner, his giggle running after him. I sighed, holding onto the threshold of the door while I watched him dash into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I waited for a minute before I heard the water of the shower turn on.

I bit my lip, dropping the clothes that I still had in my hand.

If he wasn't gonna help pack, I'm gonna do it either. I thought to myself with a smirk as I opened the bathroom door quietly to find Zayn still there. He stood in front of the mirror, fixing his hair as always, with his shirt off.

"Took you forever," he mumbled, smirking at me knowingly because he always knows that I would follow him.

"Shut up," I mumbled before I took him into my arms to kiss him deeply, forgetting the day that we had to pack and about our flight, just focusing on the way our lips molded together perfectly.

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