Chapter 39 Day before Eve

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Louis's Pov

My first night out of the facility was in a hotel bed and I honestly can say those beds were far more comfortable than my wooden one back in my room. After the call I had with Lottie, I had packed and was ready to go. All I had to do was fill out the papers to check out and she was there in less than fifteen minutes.

I was still signing the paperwork when Doctor came by to say goodbye and well, remind me of my promise; weekly therapy sessions and well, I promised him again and again.

When the morning came, Lottie had actually woken me up because I slept passed my alarm. We had to be on the plane by five pm but that included getting to the airport, buying the tickets, and going through check in and everything that could easily take a couple hours. We had to be up by ten but Lottie had woken me up like a bat drawn out of hell.

When I came to, being blinded by the sun and the covers being ripped apart, I realized it was close to being noon.

"Oh shit," I groaned tiredly and Lottie laughed.

"Yeah, oh shit! We have to get ready. We have lunch with Eleanor and then we've gotta go to the airport," Lottie was rummaging through her bags, picking out clothes to get ready in. We were in a suite for the night and it was already trashed. I had to laugh because it would suck for one of the maids to come through and see our mess.

Me and Lottie were very alike as siblings and well, I absolutely adored her.

"Get up, Louis!" Lottie called. "We told Eleanor we'd met her at one!"

Groaning, I rubbed my eyes but got up. Lottie convinced me to talk with Eleanor. I didn't really feel like it but Eleanor wanted to apologize...

For what? I didn't know. She didn't really do anything on that day when I tried to kill myself. In fact, she tried to help. I should be thanking her and apologizing to her. Hell, I don't know how West got her to agree to doing another stunt with me again.

When we ended our fake relationship and friendship even, it was on good and understanding terms. Through the years, Eleanor slowly went from selfish bitch who was in it to ruin me mentally and gain money from it to understanding and hating the job, wanting to escape every chance she wanted. So when I had told her about the band ending, she jumped on it and even came up with the idea of us breaking up publicly.

I didn't even ask her how she managed to convince Simon and West on doing but...based on the reaction of when I revealed to James on the Late Late show that me and Eleanor had ended things and we would not never be getting together, I don't think they even knew.

But I mean, come on, they had have known because I had disappeared for two years dealing with family problems and West's shit on my back.

By the time I was dressed, Lottie was ready too; bags packed and everything. We didn't bother with anything else so I just left a couple twenties and called it a day so that we could leave faster.

Lottie left to check out when we made it to the lobby. I had my hood up and my head bowed to keep my identity hidden and a secret. Me and Lottie wanted to keep it a secret so that no paps could follow us, West and Simon wouldn't know I was better and finally, to keep it as a surprise for the lads when I returned home. Lottie knew where they were staying for their current break since their last show was last night.

Lottie told me they made it to Harry's London home late at night, said by fans who were always smart and knew where we were. It's why it's so hard to hide from them but I've managed to do it for two years and I was sure one flight to Britain wouldn't be too hard.

I was on my phone while Lottie checked us out. I' haven't been on my phone much and well, even though two months had passed since my whole ordeal and being placed in the facility, the news about me has not died down. There's articles and articles about me being published every other hour, most of them being captioned with questions like 'Where has Louis Tomlinson gone again?' or 'is this it for Louis Tomlinson? Has he been kicked from One Direction?'

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