Chapter 17 Hotels & Goodbyes

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Liam's Pov

The rest of the week flew right by. After the visit to the studio for the first time together as a band, I couldn't say it was all that happy and carefree.

Louis left after Zayn pulled him away. I didn't know what had caused Zayn to space out but I knew it was bad when I saw the tears in his eyes. And it had something to do with Louis because when Louis left West's office, he shot out of my grip like a rocket right after him.

It must've been half an hour of them talking before Louis left without a word and then another five minutes after when Zayn left the room before we all silently, hesitantly, followed him out of the building. The rest the drive back to Harry's was tense.

When we made it there, Zayn immediately went into the house, straight to the guest room me and him shared and didn't speak to anyone for the remainder of that day and the whole night.

His mum was worried sick and tried to get me to get him to talk but I knew Zayn deeply and I knew that if I did try, it would only make him sink into a hole further.

So, I did nothing but cuddle with him and care for him for the remainder of the days we had free until the tour started, listening as he spoke words here and there but only to me and hesitantly to his mum.

Harry and Niall looked so helpless the rest of the week as well. They never seen Zayn on his bad days because he would run off for a few days, giving us no warning but that was only during the old band days.

Now they get to see as I see because I would always help Zayn during those bad days during the hiatus as we got to open up more with our relationship. Really, during the hiatus, me and Zayn could barely contain ourselves between soft touches and late night conversations or just sitting in pure silence within each other's arms.

Now, it was our love language, the silence, the touches.

Today was the last day before tomorrow, our first show of tour, the kick off. As per usual, all of our phones were going crazy with fans blowing up social media so we stayed off of it. Our mums usually gave us updates about it anyways.

The sun was out, signaling that it was morning. I had been awake for a bit, staring off into space while I hugged Zayn close while he slept peacefully beside me, playing with his smooth midnight hair gently. I knew it calmed him down and sometimes, I'd catch myself doing it subconsciously...

I couldn't help it; I'm just protective of him and I would do anything to take care of him...

I just wish he'd tell me what was wrong or what happened between him and Louis. Me and the lads were in the deep end right now and we were blind.

Honestly, it scared the shit out of me when he finally walked out for that room after Louis had left. He nearly passed out in my arms in the car ride home. I was so worried...

Zayn moved in his sleep, heading nudging back in my hand to only make me realized that I had stopped while I was in thought. I continued, my attention falling to him as he moved again, stirring awake.

He shifted on to his back with a low sigh so now I could take in his face. Zayn's face was peaceful in sleep, his lashes fluttering as he woke up. Dark circles were pinned underneath his eyes even though he seemed to be sleeping well.

His eyes suddenly opened to reveal the deep honey color I adored. Zayn shifted again, pulling away from me to instead meet my eyes.

"Morning, Zi," I mumbled, my voice croaky from not talking.
Zayn hummed, lifting a hand to rub at his eyes.

"Morning," he dropped his arm from his eyes and leaned into me. I held him close, letting my lips dip down to kiss the top of his head. It was silent for a second with distant rustles going on outside of the room.

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