Chapter 21 Let Me Adore You

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Harry's Pov

I wanted a break.

West was there, as controlling as always, making me sing Adore You over and over again to make sure it was perfect for the performance I was going to bring.

I thought it was ok. Adore You was one of my all time favorites because it was about a certain blue eyed man that I loved truly.

Louis, of course.

It did make me a little nervous that I was going to perform in front of him soon, perhaps in a little less than an hour but I was ready for it. I wanted to see his reaction even though I wasn't expecting a big one.

But I could read his eyes.

His face wasn't an open book but his eyes were and they always held a whirlwind of emotions that seemed trapped beneath the dark blue oceans. I found it mesmerizing and sometimes, I just didn't ever want to look away.

But I was getting tried of this very fast and I was so bored because the lads weren't with me but back at the hotel, the lucky bastards. At least, I had my band with me too but they were all completely busy like West didn't want us to hang out and take breaks with each other.

Finally, after a few hours, West was pushing me into my dressing room because it was time to get ready.

"Hurry up! We don't have a lot of time! People are starting to come in!" West hollered, shutting my dressing room door behind me, leaving me standing there like a lost puppy. Thats what I surely felt like because I didn't have any idea what was going on of course.

"Hey, Harry!" Lou Teasdale thankfully came in and was already pushing me to a chair. "I'm literally so happy that he's going to make you late for the red carpet."

I laughed at her sarcasm. "Hi, Lou, its nice to see you too."

She hummed. "How are you doing then? Even though I saw you not even two days ago..."

"I'm good just ready for this to be over really," I said honestly.

"Why?" Lou furrowed her brows while fluffing up my hair. "You deserve this award. I've heard your album; its absolutely amazing and your band are all hyped up and excited!"

I sighed and it sounded tired. "I know and I'm excited to perform the song with my band...but just today, being busy and not having time to hang out with them, or the lads, and then being pressured by West has just made it like a horrible job and not as enjoyable."

Lou frowned, putting on a bit of highlighter and powder on my face to prevent sweat. "I'm sorry, H. I know he's working all of you to your buttons again...and I know you want to be with your band and the lads. But surely, this night will pass quickly and you might have fun!"

I hummed. " always helps."

She patted my shoulder, giving me a warm smile. "I'm glad it helps then. Now go and get dress and perform like the rockstar you are."


I absolutely despised the interview and was very, very, thankfully it didn't last past five minutes.

The lady was very flirtatious and not at all professional. And it didn't help while I was wearing a tight suit that fitted nicely to my body. The color was a grayish glittery suit with accents of dark purples, pinks and blues with a black blouse that had ruffles around the collar bone.

Clearly throughout the interview and on the cameras where people could watch the interview from inside of the auditorium, could see her shamelessly checking me out while I stood there with a short annoyed look.

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