Chapter 51 Meet me Back In San Francisco

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Niall's Pov

"Niall?"  That voice.

That sweet, sweet voice. My back was facing him but I didn't have to look at him to feel the pain rushing back through my system in me. The pain of leaving him, of having to bare the thought of never seeing him again. But here he was. In England.


Slowly, time stopped around me. I could feel the lads watching me as I stopped what I was doing, writing a note to a fan, and slowly, put the pen down. I stared at the paper, my handwriting, and fought my emotions. I fought everything in me to stay still and wish that it was a dream.

"You two know each other?" Louis asked and it crushed me. This wasn't a dream. The tears in my eyes were there and before I could fight them, they kissed my cheeks. I didn't feel as if my heart was still in my chest and I almost felt like I was being ripped apart. I had forgotten that out of the lads, only Louis didn't know who Blake was.

"Y-yes," I stuttered quickly, wiping my eyes, before Blake could say anything. "We do."

That's when I stood and I finally turned around to meet those hazel burning eyes that held the same intensity and pain as mine. He still wore those same nerdy glasses and his hair was still copper and painted red, though faded. Blake still looked strong and lean, standing beside an older woman who I had to assume was his mother by the glare she gave me from the corner of my blurry vision.

Blake's face changed from raw emotion to nothing. It was a stab in the heart. I deserved it.

"This is Blake," Liam, I think said, I wasn't paying attention. "We met him at the hospital you were in."

"Yes," I turned around when he spoke to carry on what I was doing but it was hard when more tears rolled down my face and my hand started to shake. "I was there with Niall and I got to know them but I don't think we've been introduced."

The way he said my name made my eyes flutter close. The poison of which he filled each letter in my name, was accountable. All that ran through my mind was that I deserved it.

"Louis," Louis said casually but I felt all of the eyes of the lads on me. "What brings you to England?"

"Well, my mother was born and raised here but moved to the states to have me. When I turned eighteen, she moved back to London and I came to visit and take us to one of your concerts," Blake answered and I had to wince. I had forgotten about his mum being born and raised here. He had told me that on our second date and god that feels forever ago.

"Well, it's nice to see you," I heard Liam. "And nice to meet your mum."

Beside me, I saw Harry's ringed hand press down on the table next to me so that I'd see it. Glancing up, I gazed into confused and worried green eyes. I shook my head, standing straight and throwing the pen back onto the table. Harry wanted to know what was wrong but I didn't want to talk. I made sure to convey that by walking away from the table and away from Blake. I could feel all the eyes on me, burning holes into my back even as they talked. I ignored the voices and let my feet just take me out of there.

They were the last ones for the meet and greet and even though I should be out there, I couldn't. I couldn't face him. I let the room, heading for my dressing room. It gave me about fifteen minutes alone thankfully before we had to go out again and be on stage. I could handle that. I just had to breathe and relax and get him out of my damn mind.

But it was so impossible.

I kept the dressing room dark while I entered. I didn't think any of the lads followed me so I closed it and walked straight into a corner where one of the couches sat. Falling upon it, I rolled over so that my front was pressed into the leather and grabbed a blanket near me to cover up. I felt safe like this; in the dark, silence and nothing. My eyes fluttered closed and I let myself be swallowed by the darkness to relax. Slowly it worked.

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