Chapter 47 After holidays

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Niall's Pov

My head pounded in a roaring headache form the night before. Well, I wouldn't say night. I was up till three in the morning, passed out around four and now, I was waking up to three blaring alarms that shot horrible waves of pain through one ear and out the other. Cursing my head and my bland liking to alcohol, I shut off the horrid sounds with a couple of punches. Opening my eyes was such a struggle against the heavy bright sun but seeing what time it was, I knew I desperately needed to get out of bed. Today, me and the lads were supposed to meet up....

I sat right up with a realizing start. Me and the lads were supposed to meet up. Fuck. I missed my flight and I was going to be late. Quickly, I snapped right out of bed to jump into clothes. I was supposed to leave at three instead of passing out at three. As I started to shove clothes into my bags randomly, I had my phone in hand and Harry's number ringing.

"Hello?" Harry's voice came through the speaker, right and clear.

"H, I'm going be late," I rushed out. "I got pretty drunk last night and I pretty much missed my flight."

"Niall, don't worry. Zayn and Liam aren't even here yet either. There's nothing to worry," Louis reassured which made me assume they were together in bed or something.

I stopped for a moment to breathe. "You two aren't fucking, right? I didn't interrupt anything?"

Both Louis and Harry laughed out loud from my blunt comment.

"No, Niall, you didn't interrupt anything. When do you think you'll make it to my house?" Harry asked to ch age the subject.

I thought for second. "I'm not sure. I just woke up when I realized I missed my flight and now I'm packing. I'll make it late at night though if I take a red eye. But don't we have to go to Simon's office today or something? Isn't that what he told us before we went on break?"

"Don't worry about that, Niall. I can text Simon and say that you, Zayn and Liam are running late and we'll move it to tomorrow. If he gets pissed about that, well, he can suck his own dick. Don't worry and just try to get here safely, alright?" Louis told me through the speaker fiercely and honestly, I felt a flashback to when he was exactly like that. Before the shit ruined him.

"Thank you, Louis," I said softly, reminiscing on the old memories.

"It's no problem, mate," and I knew he could tell what I was remembering.

"We'll see you soon, alright Niall?" Harry was the one to break em out of my daze. I shook the memories away and zipped up my packed suitcase.

"Yes, see you love birds soon," and with that, we hung up.


Between my hangover, zero sleep, stress and the short plane ride, I felt like absolute shit. The whole cab ride I was on the edge of the seat, trying to stay awake but I feared that I'd have to pull another all nighter. It was much later then I thought when I finally got on a damn plane. Of course, I was by myself with my mum so I tried to keep my identity safe so we'd didn't get pumbled by paparazzi or fans but I wasn't able to get a quick red eye ticket because the plan was ready taking off in the air for London.

So me and my mum sat there for an hour till I got the next red eye and we said goodbye. Honestly, it was hard saying goodbye to my mum because well, she knew everything there was between me and Blake; to how I knew him and why I broke up with him. Our conversation from Christmas night honestly kept playing in my mind on replay.

Something she said that I couldn't let go of.


"Niall..." my mum looked at me with sad eyes. "This is why you broke up with him?"

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