Chapter 25 Let Loose Pt. 2

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Niall's Pov

I had no idea how much time had passed while me, Liam and Zayn were sat at the table, watching as we got a clear view of Harry and Louis dancing. The club surely provided a dizzying experience.

Obviously, Harry had a few drinks and was getting very clingy but Louis seemed tense and wasn't sure if he should push Harry away or not but he surely was making sure no one was getting to him, glaring at anyone who stared at Harry.

Liam and Zayn were in their own world, neither of them drinking too much but enough to make them extra attached to the hips. I was drinking too, but not enough yet to feel out of it. Only enough to feel loose and warm.

It wasn't until, I saw Harry and Louis getting closer and closer. My first thought, seeing how Harry was staring at Louis and Louis was avoiding his eyes, was they were going to kiss or something.

"Ten bucks says they'll kiss," Zayn mumbled my thoughts.

I merely sipped my whiskey, looking away from my bestmates that clearly loved each other. "I say just let them figure it out."

Harry was the one who I knew was going to break open Louis's walls. Zayn and Liam knew that too. They could figure it out by themselves. They didn't need us budging in.

Zayn and Liam caught on and also looked away from the two, to let them have their moment. I chugged the rest of my beer and stood, bored, and I certainly did not want to be a third wheel to the two lovebirds beside me.

So I went over to the bar, not wanting to go to the dance floor. There was no point when you had no one to dance with. Truthfully, my night was boring enough, sitting alone at the bar.

So I took to people watching with my half empty whiskey cause I've got nothing better to do. But it grew to be pointless because everyone was just drunkenly grinding up against each other and the sight was definitely not pleasant.

With a sigh, I turned away to stare into my glass, at the dark liquid that swirled each time I moved my hand. Leaving this place felt like the best idea right then but as I took a sip, I didn't expect a tap on my shoulder.

I tensed, thinking it was a fan, but when I turned to look at the stranger, it was a man instead, around my own age and in his eyes there seemed to be no recognition.

Though, I nearly choked on my drink at the sight of him.

The stranger had a sharp yet kind face, even a small smirk to his full lips as he chose to sit down next to me. He wore a light grey shirt and dark trousers, all fitting tightly around to his body and muscles.

The man wore glasses that hung on top of his nose, muddy hazel colored eyes that shined in the dark club amongst the lights with obvious brightly dyed red tips that faded out into copper hair. His skin was sun-kissed and olived, with freckles upon his face and exposed arms from his sleeves rolled up.

He was gorgeous.

"Hi," he smiled, bold. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you jump."

I stared at him for a second, rethinking my life's choices. "Its fine."

Honestly, I knew I count myself as bi but I've never met a man at first sight that wanted to make me rethink everything. Really because I've only ever been with girls. There was only one boy I've crushed on and that was a secret I will keep to my grave.

I never told him, solely because he was my bestmate and was in love with my other bestmate. Of course, I lost feelings for him really early but of course I still wouldn't admit it to him.

It was Liam.

It wasn't like I was embarrassed for liking him, but i was because when he started to date Zayn, I'd ignored the two of them only out of jealousy and I felt guilty for it because they were confused and hurt by it, even accusing me of being homophobic.

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