Chapter 41 Promise me this

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Harry's Pov

Louis's birthday passed by like the day was just non existent. Louis was content, Niall was hungry as ever, Zayn was chilled and calmed and hell, Liam was up and smiling and actually normal.

We played games, ate and even talked a bit about random little things. Louis didn't ask about the pass two months between us and we didn't ask about why this had started. It was like a mutual agreement between me and the lads and Lottie and Gemma and my mum just went with the flow.

But we all knew this would be a conversation for later.

Now the time was for happiness because hell, Christmas was tomorrow. But when the sun started to set as Christmas Eve came to an end, me and Louis that the lads had to get going in order to be home on time for Christmas with their own families. Louis didn't say anything about leaving...and neither did Lottie. I'm sure they would plan it tomorrow or we could plan something together. But I'm sure Louis and Lottie just want rest because I was sure that they were jet lagged.

When it was time to say goodbye, me and the lads were hanging by the door; the toro with their bags and Louis at my side. We stood back and watched at first as they said goodbye to my mum, Gemma and Lottie. All day Louis was kinda there at my side and really, it filled me with so much happiness. I just wanted to follow him to the ends to the earth.

The sky was grower darker and their taxis were all here; Niall for the airport, Liam to Wolverhampton and Zayn to Bradford.

"Your taxis are here," Lottie spoke what was on my mind and it really locked in the fact that they would be leaving. Mindful, only a couple of days was always hard whenever we weren't really near each other. It was one of the reason why the hiatus was hard for me even though it was the right decision to do so and we still kept in touch.

I mean, like I practically grew up with them and I look up to them everyday.

"Alright," Niall was the one who spoke as Zayn and Liam kinda stood there awkwardly beside one another. "Are you two gonna walk us out or saying your goodbyes right here?"

Me and Louis looked at each other before looking back to the trio.

"We'll walk you three out," Louis answered , waving to the door. The trio said their last few goodbyes to Lottie, Gems and my mum as we walked out into the cold. The bitter air bit at my clothes and skin as we walked out to the cars. Louis wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, pulling a smile to my face.

When we reached the taxis, the trio faced us to give us hugs. Me and Louis split up and I went to hug Niall first.

"Have fun in Ireland. Tell your mum and dad I say hi," I told him, pulling away.

Niall smiled. "I will. I'll fly back in around new Year's."

"Is that our plan?" Zayn asked as he went to hug me next.

"Come back on new Year's?" Louis questioned while I hugged Liam last.

"Be careful," I whispered to him, giving him a pointed look.

Liam's eyes were down but a smile tugged at his lips. "I will, don't worry."

Pulling away, I don't think the lads caught our interaction.

"Yeah, that seems good to me," Niall agreed and Liam, breaking away from our interaction, agreed to it as well.

"Alright then, we'll see you lads next year," Louis joked cheekily, giving them a wink which they looked surprised at at first but laughed along. They each packed and climbed into their respective taxis and with a couple more waves of farewells, they were heading down the road.

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