Chapter 53 If Hell Breaks loose

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Niall's Pov

"But he's actually my boyfriend..." I slammed my eyes closed like doors so I wouldn't see their reactions even though the van was dark enough to where I could barely even see them.

"I called it!" Harry snapped up with a click to his fingers.

"No! You didn't, I did!" Zayn immediately squawked back and this ultimately, led to Liam, Zayn and Harry all yelling and squawking at each other in a blaze which me and Louis just sat there and watched them.

"I'm not apart of this but clearly," Louis coughed, waving his hand at the trio who bickered. "We accept you. Blake is a nice bloke from what I've seen and heard. Harry has told me."

Louis gave me a little smile. I returned it but it was wobbly.

"I guess I should explain. We aren't together anymore right at this moment," slowly, I tried to ease my worries but the van slowly came to a stop along with all the bickering and banter. Everyone froze as we heard a door slam shut and footsteps heading for the back doors.

It was Paul who came swinging with a confused look written across his aging face.

"Do I even want to ask why there was so much noise from back here?" He asked with a chuckle as we climbed out of the van like we were criminals. The comment brought a smile to my face and I ducked away out of shyness.

"Nope," Louis answered for all of us and Paul merely gave us a pointed brow before continuing on.

"Here are your room keys; don't lose them. And don't be so noisy in there either. We're surrounded by guests and the last thing I want is a noise complaint," Paul told us, playfully but still stern. He handed us our room keys to of which I was grateful for because that meant we didn't have to check in. We could go straight into our rooms. I thought it was easier for us all to do so anyways.

"Don't worry, Paul, we'll behave," Louis said although he had a mischievous smirk still on his eyeliner marked face. Paul rolled his eyes, seeing through Louis's playfulness.

"Go," he waved us out and to the elevator. I checked my room key to see we were on the second floor right as my phone lit up with a message. I walked and checked my phone, the name of the contact catching my attention and drawing me away from the conversations the lads were having while we headed to our suites.

From Blake, to Niall: can I come see you? Are you staying in a hotel?

The air in my lungs caught my throat and I nearly stumbled over my steps so I slowed to a stop, catching the attention of the lads. I didn't noticed we were on the second floor and directly in the middle of the hallway. I really needed to start paying attention to my surroundings because I was only following the lads and giving myself away to daydreams.

"Niall?" Harry asked. "You alright, mate?"

Quickly, I lifted up a finger so I could type I reply.

To Blake, From Niall: The North Star hotel, second floor, room one eighty.

I got a quick reply, like as if he was waiting. And that thought got my heart racing. In nerves of happiness or even both, I wasn't sure.

From Blake, To Niall: I'll be there.

A smile fought my lips as I pocketed my phone and met all the lads expectant eyes.

"Blake is coming," I told them as if it was obvious. The four of them all turned to me with knowing smiles. Looking down at my feet, a blush was quickly writing my cheeks in rouge.

"Right now?" Louis amused. "You still haven't told us why you two aren't quote on quote together anymore?"

Sighing, I waved them off down the hall. "Let's get to my room and I'll explained everything."

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