Chapter 55 Wrong Hands

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Harry's Pov

"What do you mean we can't see him?! I have the bail bond right here, they told me I could go and bail him out!" My voice was a hiss and the poor lady at the desk was trying to do her job but I was beyond done with this shit already.

We've been at this all day and till the clock has reached midnight and yet we were still here at the police station because they wouldn't fucking tell us anything about Louis or what has happened with him. We already spent well over three hours talking to the police about what had happened between Louis and West and we had told them about our relationship with West. However, West got no charges against him since he was all bloodied up and didn't touch Louis, He instead went to the hospital to check his nose and make sure it wasn't broken.

And oh, I very much would take pleasure if it was broken.

"Please, Harry, take a breath," Lottie was on Niall's phone, speaking through speaker. He had called her when we were in the car heading to the station after talking to the police. We caught her up on everything that happened and she was on her way to the airport as we speak.

"Oh, I'm trying to, Lotts, but it's so fucking hard when they won't tell us anything!" I grumbled to the phone, seeing the lady give me a dirty look. I rolled my eyes and looked away so I wouldn't bite her head off more than I have been doing.

"I understand that but hopefully you'll get some answers soon?" She tried hopefully.

"Hopefully," Zayn muttered. My head ached so I rubbed it at the temples. It was just us and Paul at the station. Paul was the only one sitting while we stood and I've been back and forth between the desk and chairs. But failing at getting answers. To say the least, I have been beyond worried for Louis. I have never, ever, seen him so angry and full of rage, attacking West. We weren't in the room when Louis attacked West but based on the yelling we heard, I think he had a very good reason.

"Styles, Malik, Payne and Horan?" the lady at the desk called suddenly which immediately brought me and the lads all to our feet to hurry over to the desk. The lady looked up at me, immediately scowling, but shook her head and started to click clack on her computer again.

"You can go visit him now. Bail won't be ready till tomorrow under judge's orders," the woman explained. "An officer is ready to take only one of you in for tonight. Tomorrow, all of you will be able to see him."

"Which one of you will be coming?" The older officer came around a corner. His grey hair peaked out beneath his hat and arms bulged beneath crossed arms. I looked to Zayn, Liam and Niall who stood there with wide eyes.

"It should be you, Harry. He needs to see you," Niall told me. "I mean, you guys are together."

"You guys wouldn't mind?" I asked helplessly.

"No, now go!" Zayn waved me on. "But please tell us what he says."

"I will," I told them before turning to the officer who looked me up and down.

"Ready then?" He asked and I nodded. The officer nodded his head and turned on his heel. When he started to walk, I rushed to follow, heart pounding heavily at the the thought of going to see Louis. I wasn't sure what to expect but when the officer did lead me to the visitation area where prisoners and their families could talk.

There were only a few people there, talking to each other. Nobody gave me a long glance and I was thankful for that. The officer led me all the way to the back where Louis sat there, eyes to the desk. He was in a bright orange jump suit with the word inmate on it in big, bold, and black letters. The officer didn't say a word, not even a facial gesture, before leaving me and Louis alone.

I sat down slowly, waiting to see if he'd look up. But he didn't. Not until I picked up the phone and it made a noise then his eyes shot up.

"Louis," I stated through the phone. He couldn't hear me but I knew he saw my lips move around his name. Louis reached up and grabbed the phone on his side and brought it to his ear.

"I'm sorry," he apologized yet his voice was purely empty. His eyes dull like rocks. Not like the shining crystals they were.

"What happened?" I asked instead. "What is going to happen? We can't even bail you out until tomorrow."

Louis looked down for a moment before looking back up to me. "West said some shit, Harry. I didn't have a handle over myself."

"You nearly broke his nose," I said softly, a short smile pausing on my face before disappearing. "You're in deep shit though."

Louis shrugged. "He's already sent me the documents of him sueing me and then saying I assured him which is true, I did. So I have to go to court against him."

"Why is he sueing you?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Because I had told you all about the contract he made me sign at the beginning of the hiatus," Louis looked like he was about to cry and it killed me that I couldn't even touch him or give him comfort. "He's bugged the tour bus, Hazza. He's heard everything."

The blood in my face drained down to my toes, carrying my heart along there with it. "You're joking..."

Louis shook his head. "No. I'm not. He told me."

"Lou," I forced out. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," he told me gently. "I'm sorry I fucked all this up. Now, we all have to go to court."

"We'll stand by you, no matter what happens," I told him fiercely.

Louis looked sad then. "No matter what I say, I doubt anyone will believe me. I don't even have a lawyer to defend me. I don't know what to do anymore, Hazza."

An idea formed around in my head when Louis said he didn't have a lawyer. I certainly had a few people to call.

"Louis, don't worry about that. I can handle all of that. You just think on a plan for now till we can get you home," I told him.

"But-" Louis started, eye's glistening.

"Your visit time is up," the officer startled me and I turned to look up at him only to see him glare down at me.

Louis sighed. "Whatever plan you have, Haz, I really hope it works."

"It will," I insisted. "We will get you home soon. I promise. I love you so much, please be careful in there."

Louis smiled sadly. "I love you too."

He put up his phone and I followed his movement. When two officers came in to take him, he gave me one more look before he left again. An aching sadness clutched my gut but hope was healing my heart. I followed the officer back out to the lads who waited in some chairs. As soon as they saw me, they shots up onto their feet.

"What happened?" Zayn asked first, voicing everybody's concerns.

"West is going to sue him because west learned that Louis told us about his contract," I told them quietly. "Louis told me that West has bugged the tour bus. I don't know with what but he can hear us. He's heard everything."

Zayn, Liam and Niall all became white faced right before me. Beside me, Paul looked upset and sad.

"You're serious," Liam told me, not asked.

"Yes," I said sadly. "Louis also mentioned that he will be taken court and West is pressing assault charges against him too. He's already got all the documents from West."

"So now what? What do we do? He doesn't even have a lawyer!" Niall squawked.

"About that," I fought a smile. "Don't worry about that. But I do have some calls to make."

"What do you have planned?" Zayn asked slowly.

Now, I let my grin shine and lifted my chin. "This is how we'll expose West."

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