Chapter 31 Last Call

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Harry's Pov

It probably took about two hours before we heard anything of Louis or West. But what I wasn't expecting was Simon to walk in through the door while we were taking a break in between rehearsals. Simon walked in very chilled out and unbothered by the surprised looks me and the lads were giving him. I actually froze from taking a sip of my water.

We haven't even been here long when this man showed up and honestly, I felt something sick in my gut. Simon usually wasn't in the states at all but in London. If he was here...what was going on with Louis and West? Even the lads looked just as confused as I was.

"Hello boys," Simon said, bored, before walking straight passed us. I followed him, a sinking gut feeling falling from my throat straight down to toes as Simon talked with one of the producers and running about assistants. For a moment, I just stood there, feeling for my phone in my pockets. When I didn't feel it, I panicked, looking around for it.

Zayn sensed what I needed and I turned around, the device being placed into my hands with his.

"Thank you," the words flew out of my mouth without so much thought as I whipped through the password and unlocked my phone. Already, I had many messages and notifications on Twitter through my hidden account.

Straight fear and dread curled in my gut and swam in my head. For a second, I thought I was seeing starts. So I shook my head and blinked a couple of times but, no, what I was seeing was real.

Louis and Eleanor. Together. Holding hands.

But all I could see was the dead look in his face.

I saw red. "Simon bloody Cowell!"

Immediately, everyone absolutely froze as I seethed, looking up from phone to only see Simon's eyes upon mine in a smug way as if this was funny to him. I ignored all the shocked looks and marched towards him in a deathly march. Every step, Simon faltered but recovered, till I reached him and shoved my phone in his bloody fucking face and towered above him. Simon flinched and I felt power flood through me.

"What. The. Absolute. Fuck," each word my voice only grew deeper as I grew entirely angrier.

Slowly, Simon pushed my hand out of his face, his face setting in a glare. "I don't understand what the problem is."

"The fucking problem is that you let her near Louis," I growled, my anger completely controlling me. I took a step forward, ready to punch him but I felt two strong bodies pulling me back. Liam and Zayn were on me, holding me tightly as they pulled me away. Niall was wise to move himself in between me and Simon as Liam and Zayn put distance between us.

Simon shrugged, further angering me even more so much that I felt everyone take a collective step away from me and the situation.

"You two have grown too close to our liking," there's the smugness. "It was time to shut down the rumors."

"You know, I don't understand why you keep trying your best shutting down the rumors if they just keep coming back," I shot back. "It's useless to use an innocent girl to try and change someone's identity."

Simon snorted. "'Identity'? You fags have always disgusted me. This conversation is over. Say something else, you're out Styles."

"You can't kick him out. Without him, you don't have one direction," Niall pointed out matter of factly.

"Whether or not Harry is apart of the band or not, he's easily replaceable. None of you have a say or a choice, regardless," Simon smirked, victorious.

God, I couldn't even take it anymore.

I threw my hands up in the air out in frustration, laughing bitterly and cold to core. Turning on my heel, I walked off, hearing Simon's taunting chuckle. He knows I wouldn't just quit the band. I wouldn't leave my best mates to deal with this fucking jackass.

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