Chapter 6 Its Worrying

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Louis's Pov

I was surprised when my phone blared through my ears, jolting me awake from nothing. And I was even more surprised because I didn't even dream.

Sitting upright, I groaned, rubbing my eyes while listening to the horrid sound of my phone that woke me. Right alongside it as it rung, I heard my doorbell echo through my room.

I groaned again, shifting onto my side to check my phone that I had left right beside me on the bed.

On the screen, it had one name and it was Harry who was calling me.

I debated declining or accepting the call, my finger hovering over the buttons, as I debated on whether or not to listen to his voice again. God, I had missed his voice. I missed all of the lads but Harry had a big place in whatever heart I had left.

But the doorbell rung again and I huffed, pressing the decline button before I pocketed my phone while climbing out of bed. I stumbled out of my room and down the stairs blatantly until I reached the door.

Before I could opened it, I stopped myself quickly when I realized that my bandages weren't covered. Panic shot through me like a bullet and I quickly raced to shove my sleeves down to cover them.

It took a moment to just take deep breaths to calm myself.

When I was calm enough, I reached for the door handle again. But I had to take another deep breath before I opened the door wide enough for me to see who was on the otherside of the door.

There they were; all four of them standing with one another and Harry right at the front.


Harry's Pov

Simon had continued his talk about relationships as soon as Louis had left. We were all left in a state of shock but Simon seem to quickly get over his moment of fear and put on the careless act again.

I didn't really pay attention to what he had to say only had caught that he wasn't going to let us have any relationships until after the tour and that Zayn and Liam wouldn't be allowed to date in public.

This was expected and Zayn and Liam did look bum about it but I knew that they knew that this was how it was going to be. To be true, they did keep their relationship a secret even after we were kinda free with the hiatus but they chose to kept their secret for a bit longer.

With their engagement and their wedding near, however, I knew they would have to postpone it. It was sad because I knew that's how they were going to finally come out of the world by announcing it on their wedding date. But now, its all on a stop.

I felt bad for them because they had to keep their relationship a secret for years now.

I really wasn't surprised though when Simon did address Larry Stylinson, the name that the fans had made for me and Louis years ago because they had shipped us together. However, this wasn't your typical ship.

The fans truly think that me and Louis were together. And oh, how much I wish that was true, we weren't. I will be honest, I've had a crush on Louis ever since when the band was fully put together, maybe even during the X Factor days too, and the fans were right when they said I did indeed have a crush on him; I've always had.

My feelings just never had gone away and only really have gotten stronger but during the old direction days, I really felt like Louis had started to drift away from all of us when he was put together with Eleanor because of Simon.

All of us knew he was unhappy even though he wouldn't tell us about it. It did break my heart when he said he did truly fall in love with her but then it didn't make sense when they broke up literally a second after the hiatus begun.

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