Chapter 22 Act My Age

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**trigger warning**

Zayn's Pov

The night ran very late with the awards but just as we expected it, Harry won his award for Best Lyrics. We celebrated but not for long because we were all really tired and had a show the very next day.

The moment my head hit the pillow, I was out. I didn't even feel Liam get in bed with me because I was already in a peaceful dreamers slumber.

It seemed like it ended quick because the next thing I know, I'm opening my eyes to Paul banging on our door of the hotel and Liam already up and opening it.

"Lets go. You boys slept in and we've got to get you to the stadium for rehearsal before West goes bat shit crazy," Paul's gruff voice came in and I had to keep myself from groaning and rolling over to fall right back asleep.

Seems Paul didn't have anything else to say before he was gone and Liam was shutting the door behind him. My eyes were closed so I didn't see the way Liam headed towards me but I could hear him. I didn't know what to expect but I didn't expect a pillow to be thrown at me.

"Come on, Zi," Liam laughed when I threw the pillow back him, peaking one eye at him in a glare. "Get up, you heard Paul, we've gotta get up."

I grumbled nonsense underneath my breath but as Liam disappeared into the bathroom, I got up just as he asked to get ready so I didn't have another pillow thrown at my head.


In my constant half sleep manner, the morning was practically nonexistent. I threw on a pair of skinnies, black tee and my usual black leather jacket and feel to the bed in a heap for, in hope, another ten minutes of sleep in bliss.

But not even a minute later, Liam had dragged me out of the room, to the elevator and down to the lobby of the hotel where the lads were eating breakfast in the little restaurant the hotel had.

I did not bother to carry my own weight and let Liam dragged me to their table where they finished eating. Or at least Harry and Niall finished eating with Louis sitting there with a tired face and a cup of water.

"Took you two long enough. We've been down here for a good twenty minutes," Niall teased.

Liam rolled his eyes to the Irish lad. "Someone didn't want to wake up and had me practically drag him here."

He looked to me and I merely shrugged with a yawn.

Paul rounded a corner then and looked us over. "Everyone's here, good, let's go."

The trio at the table stood, throwing away trash and whatever else they didn't need then as a group, Paul took us to the van that would take us to the stadium. When I checked my phone for the time, it was already past noon and I understood Paul's urgency.

Usually, West had us at the stadium at ten in the morning and push us for the whole day and our voices by the end of it would be non existent. Thankfully, after this show, we would be heading for Nevada and West would surely not be coming with us.

The ride was silent and really, I only used it to catch a few more minutes of sleep. But not even what felt like a second later, a hand was caressing my side gently. I knew immediately it was Liam by the gentle touch, luring me to wake up but also fall right back into peaceful unconsciousness.

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