Chapter 45 What do I Miss

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Zayn's Pov

Ever since that conversation between me and Doniya, I've been thinking about leaving for Wolverhampton. To Liam. I would drive there because it was only about a two hour drive on a good day. Through the week leading up to new years, Doniya didn't bring up our conversation to anyone and I could tell because I probably would've been questioned about it already.

It's why I trusted Doniya so much. She'd never spill but that didn't mean she wasn't persistent. She'd always catch my eyes with a cross to her arms and a pointed look saying 'when are you going?'

Great question. I had to answer that myself. Considering the fact that we were all coming back together at Harry's house after new years to figure out what the fuck we were gonna do, I guess I should go soon. Currently it was the twenty nine of December I was nervous and my anxiety grew as the days passed faster and faster. I was not excited to see West or Simon on the second of January when they'd set us off for our first show of the Britain leg of tour.

So I decided to leave that night after dinner.

My family had gathered in the living room to watch tv, talk and play games; each of them doing their own thing and they didn't even noticed me disappearing to grab my bags. Of course, I had packed that night after me and my sister's conversation. Like I couldn't help it. Hope circled in my gut when I packed and when I grabbed them from my bed. I packed anything I needed that would last me through the leg of the tour as well because I was certain that I wouldn't be coming back to my family for a bit.

The wheels of my suitcase echoed through the hall of the wooden floors. The voices from the tv were quiet and the home was quiet and calm. My heart thundered in my chest. I was nervous. The sun was descending the sky and I knew by the time I got on the road after I say my goodbyes, I'd make it by ten at night.

"Zayn?" My father's voice called loudly. "Is that you? What are you up to?"

If I wasn't holding me breath already, I was now. I don't know why I was so fucking nervous but it was eating me up. I kept Doniya's words replaying in my mind to carry my feet to the living room where my whole family looked up to see me and the bag wrapped around my shoulders. Their eyes flickered with realization but I cleared my throat to tell them myself what this was about.

"I have to go early..." my voice trembled a bit from the nerves. "I'm going to see Liam."

The wave of understanding fell upon my shoulders when I saw it shook through my family. The nerves shook loose and away and I knew this would be the best decision.

"To fix things? To talk it out?" My mother stood first, followed by my father then my sisters. Only Safaa and Waliyha look confused but decided to roll with it.

I nodded, rubbing my hands on my jeans. "I want to...I miss him. Gotta see how he's doing."

My mum and father hugged me first.

"I hope you guys fix things. We all know how much you love him and he loves you too," my mum told my softly with her hand to my cheek. I smiled a little and went to hug my sisters. Doniya hugged me last and I felt her smile.

"Tell me all the details, yes?" She chuckled breathlessly and I couldn't help to join in.

Pulling away, I smiled. "I will. I don't know when I'll be back though. Me and the lads were going to meet back together after new years."

"It's ok, Zayn. We know we'll be able to see you at one of the shows. Don't worry, just go get your man," Doniya laughed, patting my shoulder. Smiling, I didn't really say anything else. The walk to the door was slow and the mood settled somber.

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