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'Mama!' A young child cried, he was bleeding and in pain. 'Mama help!' He cried again.

An older woman sprinted upstairs, her name was Izo, Izo Chisaki. She was the Grandmother of a young Kai Chisaki, who was about to realize something that could and would ruin his life. She opened the door and gasped at the sight. This was something she had seen before from her Daughter Izumi, Kai's mother. His quirk manifested.

Kai was bleeding and covered in broken glass, 'Mama...' He mumbled. 'Help...' He wiped his tears and cut his face by mistake. 'AH!'

'Kai, Darling no, don't touch, you'll cut yourself.' She said, pulling his hands away from him.

'N-No! I-'

'Relax, your quirk won't affect humans.'

'My... Quirk?' He asked, never having heard the word before. 'What's that?'

'A quirk is like a superpower. And our family has had the same exact quirk for nine generations, and you the tenth.' She smiled.

'The same exact power?' He asked, looking at his hands.

'To the letter,' She smiled, 'So don't worry. I'll teach you how to control Repair.' Despite the pain Kai smiled and nodded, he loved learning from his Grandmother. 'Good child, now let's get you cleaned up okay? You can stay in my room tonight so that you don't have to sleep in all this glass. We can clean it up in the morning. Okay?'


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