The Mikaelson's Meet Augustine - Part Two

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When Diana woke up, she was starving and sluggish as she realised where she was. It was dark and she could vaguely make out the metal bars that kept her prisoner.

"Attagirl," said a voice with an English accent, one very different to her family's. "It's been a while since they've had a girl in here. Then again, it's been a while since they've had anyone else in here."

She blinked hard as she pushed her hair out of her face and peered through the small grate in the wall that allowed her to look at the owner of the voice.

"That man...." she muttered. "That wasn't normal vervain."

"You're a smart one. Most vampires wouldn't know the difference. After a fire way back when in 1958, they put vervain in the sprinkler system. They made a more potent version after a break out later on in 2013, or was it 2014, I don't know, the dates get a little fuzzy after a while."

"How long have you been here?" she asked, still lying on her stomach as she looked through the gap, taking in the dishevelled appearance of the man in the cell next to her.

He wasn't looking at her, he was looking at some spot on the ground and she could see the pain in his eyes, the agony in his voice.

"Since 1943."

Her jaw dropped.

"That was almost 200 years ago."

"I almost got out once in 2014, but a so-called friend of mine threw me back in here after my revenge plan went wrong."

Diana's heart couldn't help but break for the man.

"What exactly are these humans going to do to me? The photos I saw - it looked like torture."

He chuckled humourlessly.

"It essentially is torture. It's a society called Augustine and they take pride in cutting open any and every part of a vampire to use for their medical research."

"My family. My family was with me," she said as she began to grow panicked.

"If they're here and not strapped to tables then there are more cages on the other side of the building."

She tried to get up but she was stiff, sore as she laid back down again.

"If anyone is getting out of here, it's my aunt and uncle. No cage can hold them."

"I wouldn't hold my breath love. These cages have held up for hundreds of years. This isn't Augustine's first rodeo."

He couldn't see her smirk but he imagined it was smug from the way she said, "Well, they've never held an Original Hybrid and a Witch Hybrid before."

He had no idea what she was talking about.

"My name's Diana, by the way. Diana Mikaelson."

"I'm prisoner 12144. Lorzeno St. John, but you love, you can call me Enzo."

She crawled towards the grate as she stuck her hand through it.

"It's nice to meet you Enzo."

He looked at her hand tentatively. It had been so long since he'd touched someone else. Since someone had touched him without cutting him open.

"It's nice to meet you, Diana," he said after he eventually took her hand, savouring the touch.

He hoped that this friend wouldn't betray him like his last.

"So, Enzo, tell me, this friend of yours that left you here to die, what were they like that they would do so?" she questioned as she laid on her back and stared up at the ceiling, somehow feeling at ease in his presence despite her current circumstances.

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