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We're less than too months away from our wedding
All our guests have RSVP'S. Where expecting over two hundred people, Lena's been running around making sure everything's been taking care of. We agreed to closed the bakery down for two weeks, it wasn't an easy decision
We won't comfortable with leaving open while we're in San Francisco. Our workers would be paid, l have our honeymoon taken care of, my in laws are traveling along with us to San Francisco. The girls are excited they get to be in the wedding, our other house is set up for our arrival. I'm taking Lena on a two weeks cruise that will be making stops in saint Thomas Puerto Rico the Bahamas and saint mark, they have a list of activities in the boat
We haven't had a vacation in years together. I'm not letting Lena leave the suite, accept for us to have dinner and go sight seeing. We have plans to take the girls to palm springs on spring break, l can't wait to married Lena
We decided to write our own wedding vows. Lena always tells me how romantic l am, l hired her favorite artist to sing at our wedding. It took a while to convince Kem's agent their will be tight security at the beach, Lena and I have been to plenty of his concerts. Dana's has been in charge of the Caters, all the flowers have been ordered
We're doing to leave in the second week of April. I know our best friends are planning a bachelorette party for us
Even though we didn't want one, Madison's mom and wife are hosting it. There's only gonna be five people in our wedding party, everyone has gotten their dresses
I decided to wear a dress. Usually I don't wear them
I'm more of a suit kinda of woman, l know Lena doesn't care what I wear. She's always accepted me for me
She never tried to change me, she doesn't want me to see her wedding dress. It's no way in the house cause I looked over the place, l locked up her ring in the safe behind the picture in our living room. We recently found out the house has a secret room, Frankie and Ariana found while in the basement. The realtor never mentioned it when she purchased the house, mom's doing a little better due to the doctors changing her medicine. No body's seen Callie in almost a year, she writes us letters with no forwarding address. Callie says she's doing really well and she'll see us soon, my mother took it the hardest when she found out
Callie vanished, at least we know she's safe and out of harms way. I hope Callie's not escorting again, we found out recently a young woman's body was discovered in the Atlantic ocean. She was two years older than Callie
The girls name was Beth and she's from San Diego California. I don't know why her name sounds familiar
Lena and the girls went into town somewhere, nobodies seen Gerald. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth somewhere, we found out he con a lot of people out there money. Promising to do a job for them, after getting paid he ups and disappears. I knew that it was something fishy going on with him, l just couldn't put my finger on it
The authorities have been searching for his whereabouts
At least Lena stopped  payments on the checks she gave him. It's like we can't trust anyone, Lena's been extremely cautious when it comes to our affairs and finances. I make sure all the bills are taken care of every month,

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