gaining some clarity

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Lena's: POV
It was midmorning we're Stef and the girls were still sleeping. I got up took a quick wash up and went for my morning run and took Sofia Gigi along with me, l decided to walk instead of drive. Sometimes I get scared someone's gonna come along and ruin our relationship
Sharon tried to break us up but her plan didn't go through, l've tried my hardest to gain her approval
In the beginning of us dating we would have conversations and now l don't know what to think about her. She may be the girls Nana, that didn't give her the right to come into our home and insult me in front of our children, l have always been a good kind hearted person
I don't like confrontation. My parents always told me never to allow anyone to walk all over me, l never once made Stef give up her life for me. For some reason or another Sharon has an issue with me being with Stef
Is it that l have a lot of money, or that l'm a successful wealthy business woman who has two businesses. I believe in deep down inside Sharon's mad that Stef did something for herself and that's pissing her off the most
I have always been supportive of my wife to be. When she wanted to go back to school and further her studies
I was there cheering her on along with the way. Lena Elizabeth Adams isn't gonna bend over and kiss nobody's ass, l jog down on the pier with both leashes in my hand
I didn't mean to fall in love with Stef but l'm grateful l did
She's everything I wanted in a partner and more. I was intent on being single. But she choose me of all people to be with, she was the one who proposed to me two years into our relationship on the San Francisco beach. We moved in together eight months after, l already brought a house once l returned to the States from London. We traveled a lot of places. I didn't care she had never been with a woman before, l have only dated one woman before Stef that lasted a year clearly she wasn't who she appeared to be. With Stef it was different she would call or text me to see how my day was going, she would send me roses just because. Things like that made my heart swell, when I would have a bad day Stef would just listen and let me vent and l did the same thing with her. She seem to know what I was thinking before l said it
We completely each other, it felt like we met in another life time. We were kindred spirits in another ream
I think God for her everyday for bringing her into my life
I can't imagine what my life would without her. We have had our fair share of disagreements in our seven years together. I continue jogging down all the pier
There were three other people out here walking the trail
The sun was slowly coming up peeping through the clouds
I stopped so the dogs could use the bathroom, they were fed before l picked them up from the doggy spa.

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