The baby dedication ceremony

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Stef's: POV
We were out in the backyard getting ready for the baby dedication ceremony to begin. The white candles were scattered around on the ground, savannah and her sister were here. She begin to explain the purpose of ceremony
Every year when a child is born everyone gets together and dressed up in all white and sprinkle water over the child's head and say a prayer of protection then send positive vibes and asked the God's to cover the children
I never fully realize how much detail that goes on this kinds of things. I'm learning more and more about the Wicca traditions, when Lena first told me about her families history it kinda spooked me a little bit but as time went on. I did my own research so l could understand what they stood for, one thing that stood out they did it on the full moon at midnight the girls tried hung till twelve. Lena ended up sending them to bed, Christopher and Harmony were wide awake. Lena was being the gracious host that she was serving our guest with refreshments, it was mainly finger foods she prepared
She's been up for the past few days having trouble sleeping. Lena looks exhausted , l love seeing my wife in her element as l sit here and think about our love making session we had early this morning. She's killing me with her white pants set, she walks by me and winks at me that sends instant chills down my spine. Can l have everyone's attention please l would like to thank everybody for coming out to our children's baby dedication ceremony
My wife Stephanie and I are grateful you took time out your busy schedules to help us celebrate this momentous occasion and now we can begin the blessing savannah
Would do the honors Lena said. Savannah gets up
Her sister tells Lena put Christopher and Harmony
in center, Lena gets in the circle holding hands with Savannah's sister and another woman joins in the union
I stand and watched closely. Savannah begins speaking
About children being a blessing and then she picks up both babies in her arms and pour water over there foreheads. She starts praying to the Gods to cover the twins and ask for protection over them and that the angels watch over them at night as they sleep, after the ceremony was over Lena walked our guest out. I took the babies in the house, changed their diapers then got them undressed into theirs sleepers and put Christopher and Harmony in there cribs. I can't believe they slept through the celebration, hopefully this will give Lena us some alone time together, l head to go check on Frankie and Ariana. They were sound asleep in their beds, l kissed both on the head and fixed there blankets and left each of their bedrooms, went upstairs to get out of my outfit
I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brushed my teeth. I removed my underwear and bra to put on my boxers and tee shirt, l'm feeling rather frisky than usual
Seeing Lena in those tight white pants she had on
I know she wore them on purpose to tease me. She knew just what to do to turn me on, Lena has me spoiled me through the course of our relationship especially when we go out in public. I always notice women who tried to firt with me, they take one look at Lena and quickly leave
I don't what she does to scare them away. It's like she has me under a spell or something, l can't describe the way she makes me feel. Don't get me started on our sex life
The things Lena does to me in the bedroom, she can make me orgasm with just one look in her eyes. 

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