Three days before the big Day

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Lena's: POV
Things have been pretty busy around the house
We're three days away from our wedding Day
I've been running around town doing some last minute stuff. Making sure their was gonna be enough food
in our home, when Stef and I are away on our honeymoon for three weeks. My parents will be watching the girls
Stef suggested we check into a hotel because the beach is twenty minutes away from us, she made reservations for all of us to stay at the double tree hotel. That's ten minutes away from the beach, we're all packed up. We leave on Thursday afternoon. Our guest were staying at different hotels in town, the caters will be arriving on Saturday
The wedding doesn't start until 4 in the afternoon
in the mist of all the chaos going on. I've been trying to keep myself busy, Stef does not want me getting stressed out. Our appointment at the hair salon is scheduled for 8am sharp on Saturday, l'm glad mom is here to keep the girls occupied. The flowers have been ordered and the cake has been picked out, and paid for. The rehearsal dinner went alright, Stef had to go out to run some errands. That's the only thing she told me, we don't keep secrets from each other, l've been open and honest with her. Some things l have to still keep to myself it's not that I don't trust Stef, certain information is considered classified. My parents barely knew how much money I had, l have money from the stock market and a few other places. My father taught me everything their was to know about investments, money market accounts and so on
I head to the kitchen and start making lunch for everyone
The girls were outside in the pool. Dad's out with them
Mom's somewhere around here doing God's what, but l'm grateful for all her help. I carried the tray filled with a variety of sandwiches, watermelon slices and bottle juices
I sat down the tray on to the table. Francesca Ariana were playing catch in her pool, Dad was sitting on the edge her the pool. Girls l brought you some lunch come out and grab a bite to eat. I don't want you getting sick cause it's rather out, Lena says Frankie was climbing out the water
The dogs were running around. Ariana who took her time
Coming out the swimming pool, Daddy have you seen
Mom at all today Lena asks her father. She came out hours ago saying that she needed to go to the mall to get a few things Stuart says to his daughter,

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