shared gifts

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Frankie's: POV
I woke up bright and early like I do every morning
This time was different. I felt strange for some reason
I dreamt l had magic powers and their was this lady
Telling me she was my guardian angel. She said she's been with me since I was a baby, she gave me a amethyst necklace to wear around my neck. This was beginning to spooky me out, l did the only thing I knew to do
I loaded up my laptop and started doing some research
Mommy usually doesn't let me access the Internet without her or momma's assistant. So l type in the space bar
Purple gems, it represents sharpen spiritual visions and enlightenment. Power wisdom psychic abilities, it has the ability to heal the sick. I continue reading more about this amethyst necklace, l'm wondering if I should asked Mommy what this all means. She knows a lot about gems and stones, this could all be made up stories. Maybe l can get mommy to take me to the book store so I can pick out a book gemstones, it could help me understand things a little clearer. I clear out my history before loading off the computer, so she doesn't know l was online. Mommy could always sense something was wrong. I don't know how she does it, l sit back in my chair and think
I wonder if mommy has this gift to because she wears
A bracelet that has a purple diamond. It was given to her
From Papa, he got it from his mother and she inherited from her mom when she was a little girl. I have a strange family. I remember papa telling me this story, when I was five, about this woman who had magic powers she couldn't tell anyone. Because people would try hurt her
I would never shared that kinda of secret, as I sit here pondering how much of that story is true. I hear momma
Calling out my name, l get to go to see what she wants
Yes momma you called me l asked her. Breakfast is ready
Mama says to me, okay can I at least go brush my teeth and make my bed first. Francesca asks her mom
Yeah sweet girl, she told me so I went back to my bedroom and made up my bed and went to bathroom to wash my face, hands brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and see my reflection staring back at me mommy me and Ariana all have curly hair, the only thing that separates us is we had different color hair
Ariana's is dark brown and mines has a hint of honey blonde on the tips almost like highlights and mommy's
can go from jet black to a light brown. It constantly changes colors through out the seasons, now it's back to it's original color which is black with highlights.
I wonder as l get older will my hair change colors,
I'm gonna stop overthinking everything and head down stairs to eat with my amazing family. I realized that I haven't talked to Quinn in a while, l forgot she's spending the summer with her Dad. Since her parents split
She's changed, mommy and mama didn't want her behavior rubbing off on me. Which it won't cause
I wouldn't allow myself to get sucked in, l always say this affirmation when l'm around Quinn, it works like a charm every time. I get down stairs and see momma Ariana dressed, morning l say to them as l take a seat at the table
Where's mommy at she's usually down there Frankie said
Oh love mommy's fine she's feeling under the weather
Mamma explains. I know she was extremely tired yesterday from all that walking around we did at the mall
Francesca talks, you know mommy is expecting twins
There are certain times she will be tired cranky. Emotional. That's we're going to be nice to her and stay on her good side, Stef runs it down clearly. Oh like Ariana was getting on mommy's nerves bugging her for a Barbie doll and when mommy told her no, she had a full tantrum in the store Francesca tells it all. Frankie you have such a big mouth some times, Ariana speaks. Alright you too it's way to early to be fussing back and forth, Stef says to her girls. is this true Ariana you told me that you were going to be good but instead you decided to show out with mommy. We had a conversation before you guys left the house, l told you not to asked Mommy for anymore dolls
Cause you have plenty. I understand you wanting every Barbie doll on the planet, their will be times mommy and I will tell you no. Stef tries to explain to Ariana

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