The night continues on

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Stef's: POV
After we cut our wedding cake. Lena and I had our first official dance as a married couple, Kem made a surprise appearance and sung a few of Lena's favorite songs
The best part was that Lena got to take a couple of pictures with him. The look on her face was priceless
I was just happy to see her enjoying herself,
I know she'll reward me later in private. The girls were having a good time as well, what really surprise me was my mother showing up at the end of the ceremony
I'm glad she came and supported me on my special day
The fact she didn't acknowledge Lena tick me off a bit
Lena never left my side the whole time which I greatly appreciated. Kem couldn't stay long cause he had a flight to catch, l know all our friends were wondering how l was able to get Kem. The DJ played fast and slow songs
I watched the girls on the dance floor, even Stuart and Dana got up and danced. Overall today turned out pretty well, baby are you having a good time Lena asks me
I am and you Stef answered. I can't believe you got Kem to come our wedding and perform nobody has ever done anything like that for me, l'll have to take extra care of tonight Lena whispers in my ear. I'm looking forward to it
I replied, what time do you think we should leave
Because it's going 9:00 Lena asks me. It's our wedding day
We can whenever we want to but I need to let mom know we're leaving in a little bit Stef says to Lena, okay l'm gonna go talk to Frankie and Ariana. Lena goes to speak with the kids before we cut out for the evening, tomorrow we leave for our honeymoon, our flight doesn't leave until
Late in the afternoon. We need to be at the airport two hours early, so we can get our bags check in at the baggage claim department. So how does it feel to be married, Stuart asked me, it's no different than before
It feels like l been married to Lena forever but the only difference is we share the same last name now.
Lena's the best thing that ever happened to me
Stef explains to her father in law. I had my reservations
About you because I didn't wanna see Lena get her heart broken again you have to understand as a father
I wanted to protect, as time went on and I really got to know you. It made me realize that Lena was in good hands with you, she's always going to be my little girl no matter how old she gets just take care of each other
Lena can be stubborn at times. I see how much she loves you, that's all I wanted for her. She's very sensitive
With a big heart people often try to take advantage of her kindness, and I know your not like the last woman she dated. Stuart States, Dad you have my word
I would protect Lena and our daughter's with my life
Stef said to Stuart. Okay Stef l trust you completely
But l'm gonna be keeping my eyes on you don't let me down, the older man tells his new daughter in law
He gives her a hug which happily Stef returns. 

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