arriving at fertility institute

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Lena's: POV
Stef and I just fertility institute. I signed in at front desk
The woman handed me a packet to fill out, explaining the procedure. She was meeting with Dr. Claire medcalf was the best in field when it comes to IVF treatments in woman, Lena read over all the paperwork before filling out the forms. She had to admit she was feeling nervous
The treatments were 2400 hundred dollars without medical insurance, Luckily Lena had excellent insurance
Lena would have to pay a little out of pocket. After completing the appropriate information she carried the forms back up at the front desk, she gave the woman her insurance card and driver's license. The lady made copies and handed Lena her things, Mrs Foster Adams how will you be paying for your services today the woman asks
How much would l pay Lena questions. Your insurance will only cover 92 percent of the procedure, Lena hands the woman credit card. She swipes it in the machine
Lena signs for the recipe and is giving back her credit card, the nurse will come out to get you in a few
She says to me, l walk over to Stef and take my seat
I looked around the waiting room and noticed three other patients. Stef takes Lena's hand in holds it, the nurse came out and called Lena's name. Her and Stef got up and follow the young woman back, Lena slipped off her shoes and stepped up on the scale. The nurse wrote down her weight, Lena got her shoes on, they went down to the examing room. Melissa checked Lena's vitals and gave her a gown to put on, Lena went into the bathroom to get changed. How long does this procedure take Stef asks
Melissa said the whole process takes up twenty minutes
Lena came out the bathroom took a seat on the bed
Melissa ask me basic question such as when was my last menstrual cycle, have l experience any  nunsea fatigue
Dizziness. She says to me, l been tired a lot but that's normal for me. Lena said to Melissa what about your diabetes are you checking your sugar regularly Melissa questions, l was beginning to get a little irritated with these questions she was asking me. I answered them all to the best of my ability, okay l'll gonna let Dr. Medcalf know your here, and we'll be back in shortly Melissa tells me
As she walks out the way. Baby what's wrong Stef says to me, Melissa kept questioning me you know how l like to keep my personal life private and before you say she's doing her job Stephanie, Lena responds how did you know l was going to ask you that Stef answers. Knock knock, Dr medcalf and Melissa enter inside the room
Melissa set up the equipment down on tray. So does anyone have Any questions concerns about the procedure
As you know with IVF treatments might not take on the first try, Mrs. Foster Adams we received your records from your previous doctor in San Francisco California
I understand that you want to use the same donor,
As before. So what we're going to do is plant the fertilizer egg with the sperm inside your uterus, you may feel some cramping and spotting which usually lasts a day or so
I would like to wait for two weeks before taking a pregnancy test. You will come back to see me in six weeks for an ultrasound alright let's get started Dr. Medcalf explains, laid down on the table and put my feet in the stir ups. The doctor puts on a pair of rubber gloves
She talks me through the procedure like l never had done before, Lena l need for you to relax your gonna feel some pressure as l insert the egg and the sperm. Stef holds my hand. I forgot how uncomfortable this was, l close my eyes. Well that's weird the doctor said Melissa can go get me, the untrsound machine for me Dr. Medcalf asked her nurse, the young woman leaves out the room
is everything okay Dr. Medcalf Stef says in a worry tone
I need to double check something first before I explain
Melissa came back inside the room with the machine
She gets it plugged up. The doctor applies some gel on Lena's abdomen and places the wand across her stomach and moves it around some, and sees the most strangest thing. On the screen Lena did you get inseminate some place else before coming here Dr. Medcalf asked
No why is there something wrong Lena replied
Out of all my years of practicing medince l never seen anything this before, Dr. Medcalf explains there's your baby on the screen. The older woman said both Lena and Stef are shocked by what their seeing on the monitor
Dr. Medcalf wipes off the gel of Lena's belly, Melissa turns off the machine. We're finished the insemination
You can go get dressed, and then we'll talk, Dr. Medcalf and Melissa leaves out the room giving her patient some privacy. Lena sits up on the bed and notices the expression on Stef's face, Lena have been sleeping with anyone behind my back Stef asked me. Lena couldn't believe what she was hearing from her wife, no l haven't been inmate with anybody else only you. Lena States
She gets up from the table and heads to the bathroom to change back into her clothes. Lena couldn't believe the mother of her children accusing her of sleeping with a man of all people, Lena never once cheated on Stef as long as they been together.

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