The six week check up

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Lena's: POV
Stef and I are sitting in the doctors office waiting to be called back. I'm kinda nervous about this appointment
We were just talking about our upcoming trip to Disney world, Lena foster Adams the nurse came out and said my name. We both got up and followed her to the back
I slide my shoes off stepped up on the scale, you can get down. We walked towards the back we're she checked my blood pressure and my temperature. Everything looks good. I'm gonna take some measurements of your belly Melissa says to me, how's the pregnancy so far she asks me. So far so good but the morning sickness not so good
I tell Melissa. How was your last two pregnancies
Melissa States, with our second daughter l had a difficult
Pregnancy. Lena Stated with your history with diabetes
We need to be extra cautious it puts you at a greater risk of going into preterm Labor so you need to avoid any added stress much as possible for the babies safety
Melissa explains to me. Your now thirdteen weeks
Today you get to hear the heartbeat she told me,
I'll go get the get the doctor and we'll be back in a few minutes Melissa leaves out the room. Stef looks at me
What? Lena asked her wife l hope you listen to what Melissa says, not you too Stefanie. What do you expect me to do the next seven months, if your expecting me to stay home. And do nothing all day l will cut my hours back some l told Stef, l'm gonna hold to that l don't want anything happening to you or these baby's l mean
Lena. Stef says Sterness in her voice, fine you won
Stephanie. The doctor and Melissa come back to the room
Hi Lena and Stef how's things been going with pregnancy
My obstetrician asks me, l have been feeling little flutters
Lena said. Melissa tells me your morning sickness hasn't been treating well. Let's take a look and see what's going on, Dr. Hastings speaks. I hop on the examing table
And lift my top up Melissa lays a cloth over me
The puts gel on my stomach and places the wand across my belly and moves it around. Then we hear the babies heartbeat, Dr. Hastings looks at the monitor Stef squeezes Lena's hand. is everything okay Dr. Hastings Lena asked
Everything's looks good but l see too embryos instead of one, you guys are having fraternal twins new time
We'll be able to tell the genders of the babies she told us
We were both in shocked by the News. So l'm assuming
The insemination took Stef asks, yes it did Dr. Hastings speaks. I will print out a couple of copies she lets us know
Melissa wipes the stuff off my stomach. Alright you guys
I will see two in a month she said, l sit back up on the table. We walk out the room, hand in hand
I went up to the counter and made my next appointment
I'm trying to wrap my mind around what we just been told.

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