Waking up alone

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Lena's: POV
I woke up from my nap alone in bed by myself
I rolled over and see a note from Stef lying on the pillow
She says she's taking the girls to do some exploring around the ship and not for me to worry. I hold the letter close to my chest, and let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I looked over at the clock and read 5:30pm l can't believe l slept five straight hours, the sun was slowly beginning to go down. I got up from the bed to go use the bathroom, once l was finished up l washed my hands with soap and water. I rise my mouth out with Listerine, l decided to take a quick shower before everyone gets back. My stomach begins to growl
Alright babies l know you and your sister are hungry
Let mommy freshen up a bit, l said to my little ones
As l rubbed my belly. I turned on the water and changed out my long tee shirt and thong and pulled open the shower door, climbed in the water sprays down my face
I reached out for my wash cloth and l applied sweet pea shower gel to the rag. I lather it up all over my body
And washed it off, l did this a few more times and l stood under the sprayer and watched all of suds disappear
I shut off the water. took my towel and covered up myself
Pulled the door open, then stepped out the shower
I tried deciding on what to put on. As l walked over to the drawer, and took out a fresh pair of panties and bra
I take out some hunter green khakis shorts and black short sleeve shirt to wear. I sat down on the bed lotion up my legs, and arms l slipped on pink lace panties and bra set. I applied deodorant under my armpits, put on my shorts and shirt. I folded up my towel and took back the bathroom, l did my makeup while I was in there
Thinking l should called my Dad to ask him how things were going at the bakery. I didn't want my staff to become suspicious, that I was checking up on me. What they don't know is, l had surveillance cameras put in at the front entrance when you come in. And the other was in the kitchen, my office was locked up so nobody couldn't get it
It's not that I don't trust them. I needed to protect what was rightfully mine, so l have app on the phone
Giving me access of the whole place to see what everyone was doing. I wonder what's keeping Stef and the girls so long. Knowing her like the back of my hand, there probably shopping or just walking around the cruise ship
I have the strangest feeling that Amy girl was trying to flirt with my wife, if my suspicious are true it's game over for her. I would make her regret she ever looked at my woman, l'm tryna to behave myself and enjoy my time with my family. She's making it  impossible for me to do that, l need to have a little more faith that Stef won't step out on me. These hormones aren't helping the situation
I came out the bathroom, to find a pair of shoes to wear
Lena slides on her Nike sneakers. And grabs her bag
Taking the key card, she walks out the front door
She makes her way down the hallway. Lena spotted Amy
Amy looks up and stares directly into my eyes and turns her head. I balled up my fist and through a fire ball in her direction, making something hit her. And she fell to the floor. We were the only ones in the hall, that will teach her
Not to fuck with my wife. I went on my way as if nothing happened, these powers have gotten stronger since l been pregnant. I'm usually in control of my emotions but it's something about these babies, it's like they sense my mood.

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